Meeting documents

Standards Committee
Tuesday, 30th November, 2010 5.00 pm

   0002277_Public Agenda Pack 
2  URGENT BUSINESS IF ANY INTRODUCED BY THE CHAIRMAN - Note No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances which shall be specified at the meeting the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency.
3  Report - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - If a member requires advice on Declarations of Interest heshe is advised to contact the Council Secretary and Solicitor in advance of the meeting. (For the assistance of members a checklist for use in considering their position on any particular item is included at the end of this agenda sheet.) 
4  Minutes of Meeting of Standards Committee held on Thursday 03 June 2010 - MINUTES - To receive as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 3 June 2010. 
5  WELCOME TO PARISH COUNCILLOR JACKY CITARELLA - The Chairman to welcome the new Parish Councillor representative on the Standards Committee.
6  Report - STANDARDS COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 200910 - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
   Appendix - STANDARDS COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 200910 - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
7  Report - THE CURRENT POSITION ON THE STANDARDS REGIME - To consider Bulletin 48 circulated by Standards for England and the article from the Communities Minister Andrew Stunell. 
   Appendix - THE CURRENT POSITION ON THE STANDARDS REGIME - To consider Bulletin 48 circulated by Standards for England and the article from the Communities Minister Andrew Stunell. 
8  TRAINING FOR NON-ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE STANDARDS COMMITTEE - To discuss Individual Training Needs Assessments Individual Training Plans and training records.
9  ANNUAL TRAINING SEMINARWORKSHOP - To consider the venue for the SeminarWorkshop being held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 30 March 2011.
10  Report - VISITS TO BOROUGH AND PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
   Appendix - VISITS TO BOROUGH AND PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
11  Report - REAPPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT MEMBER - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
12  ONLINE CASE REVIEW INTRODUCTION - To note that at the request of Monitoring Officers Standards for England has prepared a new edition of its Case Review online which can be publically accessed via the website.
13  Report - WORK PROGRAMME 201011 - To consider and note the updated Work Programme.