Decision Maker: Policy & Resources Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To seek authorisation to allocate strategic
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding of £238,623.68,
to the Canal and River Trust (CRT) to spend on the delivery of
improvements to a section of the Leeds to Liverpool Canal Towpath
between Halsall and Scarisbrick Marina.
Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services as contained on pages 227 to 260 of the Book of Reports the report sought authorisation to allocate strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding of £238,623.68 to the Canal and River Trust (CRT) to spend on the delivery of Improvements to a section of the Leeds to Liverpool Canal Towpath between Halsall and Scarisbrick Marina.
AGREED: (A) That the allocation of £238,623.68 of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy funding for the Canal and River Trust bid for Halsall-Scarisbrick Canal Towpath Improvements Project be approved.
(B) That, subject to the approval of this funding bid, the previous authorisation of 21 November 2023 for the allocation of £175,095.14 of CIL funding allocated towards this project be disregarded.
(C) That the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services be given delegated authority to enter into a Legal Grant Agreement with the Canal and River Trust and take all other associated steps to deliver the project using the CIL and S106 funding.
Report author: Nicola Hamilton
Publication date: 24/01/2025
Date of decision: 24/09/2024
Decided at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Policy & Resources Committee
Accompanying Documents: