Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/04/2023 - Council (Item 93)


If a member requires advice on Declarations of Interest, he/she is advised to contact the Legal and Democratic Services Manager in advance of the meeting.  (For the assistance of members a checklist for use in considering their position on any particular item is included at the end of this agenda sheet.)

Additional documents:



The following declarations were received:


1.         Councillors Gaynar Owen, Nixon, West and J Wilkie (Tenant of a Council flat/house) Coughlan and Gregson (Tenants of a Council garage) declared disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to item 12 'HRA – Damp and Mould Strategy' for the reasons indicated but were entitled to speak and vote by virtue of an exemption (nothing in these reports relates particularly to their respective interests arising from the tenancy or lease).


2.         Councillors Aldridge, Mee, Nixon, Rigby and K Wilkiedeclared non-pecuniary interests in relation to item 12 'HRA – Damp and Mould Strategy' as they have a connected person who is a tenant of rented Council accommodation. Insofar as that interest becomes a pecuniary interest (as it would affect the financial position of their relative and a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard this as so significant that it is likely to prejudice their judgement of the public interest) they declared that interest but considered that they were entitled to speak and vote by virtue of an exemption as nothing in these reports relates particularly to the relevant tenancy or lease.


3.         Councillors Bailey, Coughlan, Cummins and Gagen declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in relation to item 13a) 'Local Government Pay to Council: A Fully Funded, Proper Pay Rise for Council and School Workers Motion' as Local Government employees and indicated that they would leave the room whilst this item was under consideration, as did Councillor Furey as a connected person is a Local Government employee.


4.         The following Councillors declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to item 13a) 'Local Government Pay to Council: A Fully Funded, Proper Pay Rise for Council and School Workers Motion' as members of the following Unions:


·       UNISON: Councillors Furey, Johnson, Nixon and West


·       GMB: Councillors Furey, Pryce-Roberts and Jenny Wilkie


·       Unite:  Councillors: Burnside, Coughlan, Cummins, Dowling, Fennell, Finch and Gaynar Owen