149 DRAFT Housing Strategy 2024-2029 PDF 159 KB
To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources.
(Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor N Pryce-Roberts)
Additional documents:
Councillor N Pryce-Roberts introduced the report of the Corporate Director Transformation, Housing & Resources, which sought approval for the publication of the Housing Strategy 2024-2029 and associated Action Plan.
The Minutes of the Landlord Services Committee (Cabinet Working Group) and the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee had been circulated prior to the meeting.
In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the report before it and the recommendations contained therein.
A. That the agreed comments of the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee, set out in Appendix F to the report, be noted.
B. That the Housing Strategy 2024-2029 and associated Action Plan, attached at Appendix A and B to the report, be approved for consultation purposes.
C. That the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, be given delegated authority to make drafting changes, arising from any consultation responses received and publish any such revised and final version of the Housing Strategy and Housing Strategy Action Plan in May 2024.
D. That the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, be given delegated authority to make any changes to the Housing Strategy and Action Plan throughout the operating term of the Housing Strategy to ensure it reflects the Councils operating structures and resource capacity, any legislative and/ or regulatory amendments and/or emerging housing need issues and/or any other related matter that needs to be considered in order to ensure the Housing Strategy and Action Plan remains relevant throughout its operating term.
62 DRAFT Housing Strategy 2024-2029 PDF 159 KB
To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources.
Additional documents:
The Housing Strategy and Development Programme Manager outlined the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing and Resources as contained on pages 413 to 490 of the Book of Reports, which was to seek approval for the publication of the Housing Strategy 2024-2029 and associated Action Plan.
He explained that whilst it is not a statutory requirement, the Council has developed a new Housing Strategy to encompass the period from 2024 to 2029. The benefit of doing this is that it helps the Council understand the housing challenges in the Borough, enabling delivery priorities to be set and develop Action Plan responses for each priority. The overall aspiration of the Strategy and Action Plan is to help improve the housing offer and housing circumstances of our residents.
He also informed Members that due to the timing of 'Purdah', that the Consultation would now take place over 6 weeks instead of 12 weeks from 12th February 2024 to 25th March 2024.
Comments and questions were raised in respect of the following:
· Very good document presented well but will affect a lot of people.
· Need to build 790 homes a year to reach 35%
· Does it move us far enough forward to deliver affordable homes.
· Need to be mindful of the need to develop a range of housing options for our ageing population
· The Map (page 431) is based on Ward boundaries prior to Elections - Members were informed that this will be addressed.
· Link to local plan – residential development – need detail / explanation.
· Foster inclusive and healthy communities
· Pleased to see reference to the Armed Forces Act and Covenant included
Members thanked the Housing Strategy and Development Programme Manager for all his work on this.
A. That the Housing Strategy 2024-2029 and associated Action Plan be considered and noted and that the following agreed comments of the Executive Overview and Scrutiny Committee be passed to Cabinet for their consideration.
1. That a MS Teams Briefing be arranged for all Councillors in respect of the Housing Strategy 2024 – 2029, either prior to or as a part of the consultation.
2. That the delegation in paragraph 3.3 is reconsidered and the report be brought back to the appropriate Committee following the outcome of the consultation, for further consideration and the delegation at 3.3 can then be proposed.