Venue: Council Chamber - 52 Derby Street, Ormskirk, L39 2DF
Contact: Julia Brown/Chloe McNally
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received. |
MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE To be apprised of any changes to the membership of the Committee in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4. Minutes: There were no changes to Membership of the Committee. |
URGENT BUSINESS, IF ANY INTRODUCED BY THE CHAIRMAN Note: No other business is permitted unless, by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified at the meeting, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business received. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST If a member requires advice on Declarations of Interest, he/she is advised to contact the Legal and Democratic Services Manager in advance of the meeting. (For the assistance of members a checklist for use in considering their position on any particular item is included at the end of this agenda sheet.) Minutes: Councillor A Blundell declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to agenda item 7c - 2024/0636/FUL relating to Land West of Meadow Lane, Lathom , L40 4BG, as the operator is known to him. |
DECLARATIONS OF PARTY WHIP Party Whips are not to be used by this Committee in respect of its functions concerning the determination of applications, approval of consents, the taking of enforcement action and the exercise of powers and duties with regard to highways, hedgerows, the preservation of trees and high hedge complaints. When considering any other matter which relates to a decision of the Cabinet or the performance of any member of the Cabinet, in accordance with Regulatory Committee Procedure 9, Members must declare the existence of any party whip, and the nature of it. Minutes: There were no declarations of Party Whip. |
To receive as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the 5th September 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 5th September be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Planning Applications Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services as contained on pages 7 to 146 of the Book of Reports and pages 151 to 154 of the Late Information Report. Notes:
Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2023/0117/FUL relating to Land off Firswood Road, Lathom WN8 8UT.
RESOLVED: That planning application 2023/0117/FUL be approved subject to conditions as set out in the officer recommendation. |
PLANNING APPLICATION REF: 2024/0278/FUL - OTTERBROOK, MOSS LANE PR9 8AF Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2024/0278/FUL, relating to Otterbrook, Moss Lane PR9 8AF.
RESOLVED: That planning application 2024/0278/FUL be approved subject to conditions as set out in the officer recommendation. |
PLANNING APPLICATION REF: 2024/0636/FUL - LAND WEST OF MEADOW LANE, LATHOM Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2024/0636/FUL relating to Land West of Meadow Lane, Lathom L40 4BG.
The Planning Services Manager advised Members that the Applicant had recently submitted a noise and transport report. He advised Members that the item could be deferred if they wished or proceed with the item. He informed that the officer recommendation remained.
Members voted 9 in favour to continue with the application and 1 abstention,
RESOLVED: That planning application 2024/0636/FUL be refused. |
PLANNING APPLICATION REF: 2024/0615/FUL - LAND NORTH OF CARR LANE, TARLETON Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2024/0615/FUL relating to Land North of Carr Lane, Tarleton PR4 6BX.
RESOLVED:That planning application 2024/0615/FUL be granted subject to conditions as set out in the officer recommendation. |
PLANNING APPLICATION REF: 2024/0368/FUL - HILLTOP, 42 TURNPIKE ROAD, AUGHTON Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2024/0368/FUL relating to Hilltop, 42 Turnpike Road, Aughton L39 3LF.
The Planning Assistant Solicitor advised Members that the planning application submitted listed details of the incorrect applicant. The applicant was listed as – Mr Ryan Bell and the Company Name as Meliora Care Limited. The applicant is in fact Meliora Care Services Ltd which is registered to an address in Scarisbrick. It is noted that Mr Ryan Bell has been previously registered as a director of this company but resigned in March 2024. The address contained within the planning application form is the Scarisbrick address. The Planning Officers are certain that they have been corresponding with the correct applicant, and Mr Bell has apologised and confirmed this is an inadvertent error, and that he still has an active role in the company. An application had been received to change the applicant's name to reflect the correct company 'Meliora Care Services Ltd' and she asked members to confirm that they approve this amendment.
Members unanimously agreed to proceed with determining the above said planning application and making the amendment.
RESOLVED:That planning application 2024/0368/FUL be granted subject to conditions as set out in the officer recommendation and late information. |
PLANNING APPLICATION REF: 2024/0639/FUL - BRUFFS FARM, DRUMMERSDALE LANE, SCARISBRICK Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2024/0639/FUL relating to Bruffs Farm, Drummersdale Lane, Scarisbrick L40 9RD.
RESOLVED:That planning application 2024/0639/FUL be granted subject to conditions as set out by the officer recommendation. |
PLANNING APPLICATION REF: 2023/1116/FUL - WATER TOWER, TOWER HILL, ORMSKIRK Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2023/1116/FUL relating to Water Tower, Tower Hill Road, Ormskirk L39 2EE.
RESOLVED:That planning application 2023/1116/FUL be approved subject to conditions as set out by the officer recommendation. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report on planning application 2024/0633/FUL relating to Former Universal Bulk Handling Ltd, Orrell Lane, Burscough L40 0SL.
RESOLVED:That planning application 2024/0633/FUL be approved subject to conditions as set out by the officer recommendation and verbal update:
" The development shall be constructed in accordance with the site-specific verification report approved under ref: 2024/0408/CON. The scheme shall thereafter be maintained in perpetuity.
Reason; To ensure that flood risks from development to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those risks to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development as constructed is compliant with the requirements of Paragraphs 167 and 169 of the National Planning Policy Framework and to accord with the provisions of Policy GN3 in the adopted West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 Development Plan Document.”