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Contact: Jacky Denning
No. | Item |
PRAYERS Minutes: The Mayor’s Chaplain for the evening, Father Kenny, led Members and officers in prayer.
APOLOGIES Minutes: An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Mrs Stephenson. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST If a member requires advice on Declarations of Interest, he/she is advised to contact the Legal and Democratic Services Manager in advance of the meeting. (For the assistance of members a checklist for use in considering their position on any particular item is included at the end of this agenda sheet.) Additional documents: Minutes: The following declarations were received:
1. All Members present declared a pecuniary interest in item 9 ‘Members’ Allowances Scheme 2021/22 and in relation to item 12 ‘Determination of Council Tax 2021/22’, but were entitled to speak and vote by virtue of an exemption.
2. a) Councillors Ashcroft, Mrs Blake, Blane, Dereli, Gordon, Mrs Marshall, Mee, Moran, Owen, Pope, Sutton and Whittington declared a pecuniary interest in relation to relevant lines in the budget in respect of item 11 ‘Budget Requirement 2021/22’ and item 13 ‘Medium Term Capital Programme 2021-22’ in relation to Parish Council matters in view of their membership of a Parish Council and indicated they would not participate in any detailed discussions which affected the finances of those bodies specifically.*
b) Councillors Aldridge and O’Toole declared a pecuniary interest in relation to relevant lines in the budget in respect of item 11 ‘Budget Requirement 2021/22’ and item 13 ‘Medium Term Capital Programme 2021-22’, as Members of Lancashire County Council (LCC) as did Councillors Coughlan, Cummins and Gagen as employees of LCC, and indicated that they would not participate in any detailed discussions which affected LCC.*
c) Councillor Coughlan declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to relevant lines in the budget in respect of item 11 ‘Budget Requirement 2021/22’ and item 13 ‘Medium Term Capital Programme 2021-22’in respect of his appointment to West Lancashire Community Leisure.*
* By virtue of a dispensation granted by the Standards Committee all Councillors who have disclosable pecuniary or pecuniary interests in relation to relevant lines in the budget may participate and vote in the budget debates but not engage in detailed discussions about matters which affect those interests.
3. Councillors Ashcroft, Mrs Blake, Blane, Dereli, Gordon, Mrs Marshall, Mee, Moran, Owen, Pope, Sutton and Whittington declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to item 12 ‘Determination of Council Tax 2021/22’ in view of their membership of a Parish Council.
4. Councillors Aldridge and Pope declared a non pecuniary interest in relation to item 12 ‘Determination of Council Tax 2021/22’, item 18 (d) 'West Lancashire water level management - Motion', as Members of Lancashire County Council, as did Councillors Coughlan, Cummins and Gagen as an employee of Lancashire County Council.
5. Councillors Delaney, Devine, Owen, Nixon, West and J Wilkie (Tenant of a Council flat/house) Coughlan and Gregson (Tenants of a Council garage) declared disclosable pecuniary interests in relation to item 13 ‘Medium Term Capital Programme and item 14 ‘Housing Account – Revenue and Capital Programme’ for the reasons indicated but were entitled to speak and vote by virtue of an exemption (nothing in these reports relates particularly to their respective interests arising from the tenancy or lease).
6. Councillors Aldridge, Blane, Cooper, Gregson, Mee, Nixon, Sutton, K Wilkie and Wright declared non-pecuniary interests in relation to item 13 ‘Medium Term Capital Programme and item 14 ‘Housing Account – Revenue and Capital Programme’ as they have a connected person who is a tenant of rented Council accommodation. Insofar as that ... view the full minutes text for item 65. |
To receive as a correct record, the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday, 16 December 2021.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2020 be received as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR AND/OR THE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Minutes: The Mayor advised that given the continuing Covid-19 pandemic face to face visits or holding any charity events had not been possible, however virtual meetings have been taking place with schools and churches in the area.
The Mayor informed Members of the Winter Ready Programme sessions that he had regularly taken part in, along with our residents and encourage all Councillors to sign up.
The Mayor and other members paid tribute to Councillor Iain Ashcroft, conservative member for Hesketh-with Becconsall Ward and advised that he would be retiring as a Councillor. The Mayor thanked Councillor Ashcroft for his service to the Council and wished him well for the future. |
TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 10.2 Minutes: There were no items under this heading. |
MINUTES OF COMMITTEES To receive the minutes of the following meetings, to confirm, if appropriate, such of the minutes as require confirmation and to pass such resolutions as the Council may deem necessary: Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the undermentioned meetings of the Committees shown, as contained on pages 629 to 644 of the Book of Reports.
RESOLVED That the minutes of the undermentioned meetings and any recommendations contained in them, be approved:
(a) Strategic Asset Purchasing Committee, held on Tuesday 8 December 2020
(b) Planning Committee, held on Thursday 14 January 2021
(c) Audit & Governance Committee, held on Tuesday 26 January 2021
(d) Planning Committee, held on Thursday 11 February 2021
PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2021/22 and Introduction of Holiday Pay Percentage Supplement To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation & Resources. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources, as contained on pages 645 to 668 of the Book of Reports, the purpose of which was to agree a Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22 detailing the Authority's Policy on Workforce Remuneration, as required by the Localism Act 2011 (the 'Localism Act').
RESOLVED: A. That the Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22 attached at Appendix 1 to the report be approved, published on the Council's website and included in the Constitution.
B. That a 2 year mandatory gap from when a former West Lancashire Borough Council employee exits the organisation via a Voluntary Redundancy, to when they can be re-engaged by the Council, in any contract for employment or service, be introduced with effect from 1 April 2021 for any exits after that date.
C. That the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Human Resources, be given delegated authority to agree to exceptions to the mandatory 2 year engagement gap, in exceptional circumstances, when special skills are required.
D. That the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Human Resources, has delegated authority to update the Pay Policy Statement in year, for any changes that may occur after Council have agreed the version attached to the report, prior to next year's statement being approved.
MEMBERS' ALLOWANCES SCHEME 2021/22 AND APPOINTMENT OF THE INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation & Resources. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources as contained on pages 669 to 676 of the Book of Reports which sought approval of the Members' Allowances Scheme for 2021/22 and to note and endorse the Membership of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP).
A Motion to approve the recommendations at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.4 of the report was moved and seconded.
An Amendment to the Motion, displayed on the screen, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken on the Amendment, which was LOST.
A vote was taken on the Motion, which was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A. That it be noted that the IRP had not been asked for a report this year, but met as referred to in paragraph 3.4 of the report.
B. That a Members Allowance Scheme be made, effective from 1 April 2021, in accordance with the current scheme, incorporating
(a) A Basic Allowance of £4,842 (no increase) (b) Provision for SRA payments, as detailed on the Schedule attached as Appendix 1 (no change) (c) Childcare and Dependent Carer's Allowance to be set at the same level as the Living Wage (currently £9.50 per hour)
C. That the Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources update the Members' Allowances Scheme for the period commencing 1 April 2021, such scheme to be incorporated into the Constitution and subsequently published.
D. That the Membership of the IRP for 2021/22 and the respective terms of office be noted and endorsed as follows: Mrs G Stanley (Chairman) 1 May 2024 Mr J Boardman 1 May 2023 Mr I Thompson 1 May 2022
SUSPENSION OF COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 13.4 To enable the Portfolio Holder / Shadow Portfolio Holder / Spokesperson for OWL to present their budget statement it will be necessary to suspend Council Procedure Rule 13.4 for Agenda Items 11 and 14. (This Rule limits the length of a speech to 5 minutes.)
Minutes: RESOLVED: That Council Procedure Rule 13.4 be suspended to enable the Portfolio Holder/Shadow Portfolio Holder/Spokersperson for OWL to present their budget statements, in respect of agenda items 11 (Budget Requirement 2021/22) and 14 (Housing Account – Review and Capital Budget Setting).
BUDGET REQUIREMENT 2021/22 To consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services, as contained on pages 677 to 696 of the Book of Reports, which set out information in order for the Council to set its budget for the next financial year, including the General Revenue Account (GRA), Reserves Policy and the Draft GRA Estimates.
Councillor Yates, Portfolio Holder for Transformation & Resources, moved a Motion that provided details of the Labour Budget Proposals (as displayed on the screen, circulated prior to the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports), which was seconded.
Councillor Owens, Our West Lancashire, moved an Amendment (as displayed on the screen, circulated prior to the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports), which was seconded.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5, voting on the Amendment was recorded as follows:
FOR: Councillors Davis, Johnson, Mitchell, Owens, Rigby and Thompson (SIX)
AGAINST: Councillors Aldridge, Ashcroft, Mrs Baybutt, Mrs Blake, Blane, Blundell, Cains, Cooper, Coughlan, Cummins, Currie, Delaney, Dereli, Devine, Dowling, Mrs C Evans, D Evans, S Evans, Finch, Furey, Gagen, Gordon, Gregson, Hodson, Lockie, Mrs J Marshall, Mee, Monaghan, Moran, Nixon, O'Neill, O'Toole, Owen, Pope, Pritchard, Pryce-Roberts, Sutton, West, D Westley, Mrs Westley, Whittington, J Wilkie, K Wilkie, Witter, Wright and Yates. (FORTY SIX)
The Amendment was LOST.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5, voting on the Motion was recorded as follows:
FOR: Councillors Aldridge, Cooper, Coughlan, Cummins, Delaney, Dereli, Devine, Dowling, D Evans, S Evans, Finch, Furey, Gagen, Gregson, Hodson, Lockie, Monaghan, Moran, Nixon, O'Neill, Owen, Pritchard, Pryce-Roberts, West, J Wilkie, K Wilkie, Wright and Yates. (TWENTY EIGHT)
AGAINST: Councillors Ashcroft, Mrs Baybut, Mrs Blake, Blane, Blundell, Cains, Currie, Davis, Mrs C Evans, Gordon, Johnson, Mrs J Marshall, Mee, Mitchell, O'Toole, Owens, Pope, Rigby, Sutton, Thompson, D Westley, Mrs M Westley, Whittington and Mrs Witter (TWENTY FOUR)
The Motion was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A That the General Revenue Account Estimates for 2021/22 set out in Appendix B of the Council report be approved, subject to the changes set out in the Amended Labour Budget Proposals shown on the screen, circulated at the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports.
B That the GRA Reserves Policy set out in Appendix A to the Council report be approved.
C. That delegated authority be given to the Chief Operating Officer and the Corporate Directors to take all necessary action to implement the changes resulting from the budget proposals. |
Determination of Council Tax To consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the revised report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services as circulated shown on screen, circulated prior to the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports, which set out the proposed Council Tax rate for each property band for the whole of the Borough Council's area, including the Council Tax rate as set by the County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire, the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority, and the local Parish Council in parished areas, in order to confirm the statutory resolutions that are required in order to set the Council Tax for 2021/22.
Councillor Yates moved a Motion to approve the recommendations in the revised report, which was seconded.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5 voting on the Motion was recorded as follows:
FOR: Councillors Aldridge, Ashcroft, Mrs Baybutt, Mrs Blake, Blane, Blundell, Cains, Cooper, Coughlan, Cummins, Currie, Davis, Delaney, Dereli, Devine, Dowling, Mrs C Evans, D Evans, S Evans, Finch, Furey, Gagen, Gordon, Gregson, Hodson, Johnson, Lockie, Mrs Marshall, Mee, Mitchell, Monaghan, Moran, Nixon, O'Neill, O'Toole, Owen, Owens, Pope, Pritchard, Pryce-Roberts, Rigby, Sutton, Thompson, West, D Westley, Mrs Westley, Whittington, J Wilkie, K Wilkie, Mrs Witter, Wright and Yates (FIFTY TWO).
RESOLVED: A. That it be noted that on the 18 January 2021, the Borough Treasurer declared the Council Tax Base amounts set out in Appendix A for the financial year 2021/22 in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012.
B. That the Budget for the Council’s own purposes for 2021/22 (excluding parish precepts) be set at £13,857,983 in accordance with the earlier Budget Requirement report.
C. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the financial year 2021/2022 in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (the Act):
a) £86,759,879 being the aggregate of the amounts, which the Council estimates for the items, set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.
b) £78,275,065 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act
c) £8,484,814 being the amount by which the aggregate at C(a) above exceeds the aggregate at C(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year.
d) £230.73 being the amount at C(c) above divided by 36,774.06 (the Tax Base) calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31(B) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for 2021/2022.
e) £637,597 being the aggregate amount of all special items (i.e. Parish Precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.
f) £213.39 being the amount at C(d) above, less the result given by dividing the amount at C(e) above by 36,774.06 (the Tax Base), calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as ... view the full minutes text for item 74. |
MEDIUM TERM GRA CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2021-22 To consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services as contained on pages 703 to 712 of the Book of Reports, which advised on the Council's Medium Term Capital Programme.
Councillor Yates, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Transformation, moved a Motion which set out the Labour Capital Programme proposals, as displayed on screen, circulated at the meeting and contained within the Book of Reports, which was seconded.
An Amendment from the Our West Lancashire Group, as displayed on the screen, circulated prior to the meeting and contained within the Book of Reports, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken on the Amendment which was LOST.
A vote was taken on the Motion, which was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A. That the proposed new capital schemes set out in Appendix 2 of the report be approved.
B. That delegated authority by given to the Chief Operating Officer and Corporate Directors to take all necessary action to implement the agreed capital programme.
HOUSING ACCOUNT - REVENUE AND CAPITAL BUDGET SETTING To consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services as contained on pages 713 to 728 of the Book of Reports, which advised on the rent and service charges to be applied; and detailed the Public Sector Housing Capital Investment Programme and Housing Revenue Estimates for 2021/22, the purpose of which is to enable the Council to set its Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget and capital investment programme for the next financial year.
Councillor J Wilkie, Portfolio for Housing and Landlord Services, moved a Motion, as displayed on the screen, circulated prior to the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports, which set out Labour proposals in relation to the Draft Housing Revenue Account Estimates for 2021/22 and Public sector Housing Capital Investment Programme for 2021/22, which was seconded.
An Amendment from the Conservative Group, displayed on the screen and contained in the Book of Reports, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken on the Amendment, which was LOST.
A further Amendment from the Our West Lancashire Group, displayed on the screen, circulated prior to the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken on the further Amendment, which was LOST.
A vote was taken on the Motion, which was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A. That the Rent and Service Charges set within delegated authority, as detailed in sections 4 and 5 of the report, be noted and endorsed.
B. That the comments of Tenants and Residents as set out in Appendix E to the report be noted.
C. That the Revenue Estimates and Capital Investment Plan, set out in Appendices A and B to the report be approved, subject to the changes set out in the Labour proposals displayed on the screen, circulated prior to the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports.
D. That the Housing Revenue Account Reserves Policy set out in Appendix C of the report be approved.
E. That delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director of Place & Community to take all necessary action to implement the decisions of Council. |
Capital Financial and Treasury Management Framework To consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services as contained on pages 729 to 744 of the Book of Reports the purpose of which was to set the framework for capital financing and treasury management operations for the next financial year.
RESOLVED: A. That the projected position in respect of the Prudential Indicators for 2020-21 set out in Appendix 1 of the report be noted.
B. That the Prudential Indicators for the next three years set out in Appendix 2 of the report be agreed.
C. That the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) policy set out in Appendix 3 of the report be approved for the next financial year.
WEST LANCASHIRE ELECTORAL REVIEW - COUNCIL SIZE SUBMISSION To consider the report of the Chief Operating Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Operating Officer presented her report as contained on pages 745 to 774 of the Book of Reports the purpose of which was to approve the Council Size Submission document to be submitted to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England's (LGBCE) as part of the Electoral Review of West Lancashire (the Review), as recommended by the Electoral Review Working Group.
RESOLVED: That the Council Size Submission document, attached at Appendix A to the report, be submitted to the LGBCE as part of the Electoral Review of West Lancashire. |
TIMETABLE OF MEETINGS 2021/22 To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation & Resources. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources as contained on pages 775 to 780 of the Book of Reports the purpose of which was to agree the timetable of meetings for the Municipal Year 2021/22.
RESOLVED: A. That the timetable of meetings for the 2021/22 Municipal Year, attached as an appendix to the report, which included changes to the Executive Overview and Scrutiny Committee dates, as detailed in paragraph 4 of the report be approved.
B. That the start time of meetings should remain as the same start times at the 2020/21 Municipal Year and all members be surveyed to establish a preference for future meetings. |
MOTIONS To consider the following Motions included on the agenda at the request of the Members indicated: Minutes: The following Motions were considered at the request of the Members indicated: |
Planning Enforcement - Motion from Councillor Tom Blane on behalf of the Conservative Group This Council has a duty to investigate alleged breaches of planning control and has powers to remedy proven breaches subject to available resources. The Council views breaches of planning control very seriously and the Council's policy to exercise powers appropriately and rigorously so that development takes place in accordance with the appropriate legislation, or with the planning conditions and limitations imposed on any planning permission through the development management process.
While the planning enforcement system does not exist to simply punish those responsible for a breach of planning control and it is an important principle of the planning system that the use of formal planning enforcement action is a discretionary power of this Council and seen as a last resort. Yet the Members of this Council do not at present have any effective involvement in the exercise of this discretionary power nor is there any opportunity for the Public to witness or influence the decision making process.
To rectify this situation, I move the following Motion:
That this Council instructs the Director of Place and Community to bring a report to a future meeting of the Full Council setting out recommendations on the options and their implications for having Enforcement Decisions decided by the Planning Committee.
Minutes: The following Motion was moved and seconded, with the agreement of the meeting:
"This Council has a duty to investigate alleged breaches of planning control and has powers to remedy proven breaches subject to available resources. The Council views breaches of planning control very seriously and the Council's policy to exercise powers appropriately and rigorously so that development takes place in accordance with the appropriate legislation, or with the planning conditions and limitations imposed on any planning permission through the development management process.
While the planning enforcement system does not exist to simply punish those responsible for a breach of planning control and it is an important principle of the planning system that the use of formal planning enforcement action is a discretionary power of this Council and seen as a last resort. Yet the Members of this Council do not at present have any effective involvement in the exercise of this discretionary power nor is there any opportunity for the Public to witness or influence the decision making process.
To rectify this situation, I move the following Motion:
That this Council instructs the Director of Place and Community to bring a report to a future meeting of the Full Council setting out recommendations on the options and their implications for having Enforcement Decisions decided by the Planning Committee".
At the request of a Member, voting on the Motions was recorded as follows:
FOR: Councillors Ashcroft, Mrs Baybutt, Mrs Blake, Blane, Blundell, Cairns, Currie, Davis, Mrs C Evans, Gordon, Johnson, Mrs Marshall, Mee, Mitchell, O'Toole, Owens, Pope, Rigby, Sutton, Thompson, D Westley, Mrs Westley, Whttington and Witter (TWENTY FOUR)
AGAINST: Councillors Aldridge, Cooper, Coughlan, Cummins, Delaney, Dereli, Devine, Dowling, D Evans, S Evans, Finch, Furey, Gagen Gregson, Hodson, Lockie, Monaghan, Moran, Nixon, O'Neill, Owen, Pritchard, Pryce-Roberts, West, J Wilkie, K Wilkie, Wright and Yates (TWENTY EIGHT)
The Motion was LOST.
That this council expresses its deep concern as to the handling of the Eight Commonwealth Soldiers who have been denied their leave to remain in the United Kingdom. Due to administrative errors on many levels and also to the fees that are being asked of £2,400 per application.
This Council notes the service of our armed forces personnel including our West Lancashire Armed Forces Champion who have proudly fought alongside Australians, Canadians, Fijians, South Africans, Zimbabweans, Jamaicans and many other nationalities.
That this council resolves: That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Armed Forces Champion write to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, The Home Office and also to Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Veterans Affairs. The letter asks that a change in the Law is sought so that any Commonwealth Service personnel who does more than five years exemplary service to the Crown has automatic leave to remain in the United Kingdom and also for these ludicrous fees of £2,400 per application to be scrapped forthwith.
This council offers solidarity to all those current and former service personnel who have bravely served this country, regardless of the nationality or place of birth.
Minutes: The following Altered Motion was moved and seconded, with the agreement of the meeting:
"That this Council expresses its deep concern as to the handling of the Eight Commonwealth Soldiers who have been denied their leave to remain in the United Kingdom. Due to administrative errors on many levels and also to the fees that are being asked of £2,400 per application.
That this Council notes the service of our armed forces personnel including our West Lancashire Armed Forces Champion who have proudly fought alongside Australians, Canadians, Fijians, South Africans, Zimbabweans, Jamaicans and many other nationalities.
That this council resolves: That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Armed Forces Champion write to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, The Home Office and also to Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Veterans Affairs. The letter asks that a change in the Law is sought so that any Commonwealth Service personnel who does more than four years exemplary service to the Crown has automatic leave to remain in the United Kingdom and also for these ludicrous fees of £2,400 per application to be scrapped forthwith.
This council offers solidarity to all those current and former service personnel who have bravely served this country, regardless of the nationality or place of birth."
RESOLVED: A. That this Council expresses its deep concern as to the handling of the Eight Commonwealth Soldiers who have been denied their leave to remain in the United Kingdom. Due to administrative errors on many levels and also to the fees that are being asked of £2,400 per application.
B. That this Council notes the service of our armed forces personnel including our West Lancashire Armed Forces Champion who have proudly fought alongside Australians, Canadians, Fijians, South Africans, Zimbabweans, Jamaicans and many other nationalities.
C. That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Armed Forces Champion write to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, The Home Office and also to Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Veterans Affairs. The letter asks that a change in the Law is sought so that any Commonwealth Service personnel who does more than four years exemplary service to the Crown has automatic leave to remain in the United Kingdom and also for these ludicrous fees of £2,400 per application to be scrapped forthwith.
D. That this council offers solidarity to all those current and former service personnel who have bravely served this country, regardless of the nationality or place of birth.
Coronavirus Pandemic - Financial compensation - Motion from Councillor Ian Moran on behalf of the Labour Group That the Chief Operating Officer writes to the government to honour its commitment to fully compensate this council financially with regards to its costs incurred during the coronavirus pandemic. The government told us to get on with the fight against the virus and support our residents and businesses and they would fully support us but so far they have been woefully lacking. Their failed promises have left this council £1M out of pocket which will have to be found either through services cuts or higher council tax rises. The people of West Lancashire don’t deserve that.
Minutes: The following Motion was moved and seconded:
"That the Chief Operating Officer writes to the government to honour its commitment to fully compensate this council financially with regards to its costs incurred during the coronavirus pandemic. The government told us to get on with the fight against the virus and support our residents and businesses and they would fully support us but so far they have been woefully lacking. Their failed promises have left this council £1M out of pocket which will have to be found either through service cuts or higher council tax rises. The people of West Lancashire don’t deserve that".
RESOLVED: That the Chief Operating Officer writes to the government to honour its commitment to fully compensate this council financially with regards to its costs incurred during the coronavirus pandemic.
(Note: A Motion to suspend Council Procedure Rule 9 to continue the meeting until all the business on the agenda has been concluded was moved, seconded and agreed by the meeting.)
West Lancashire water level management - Motion from Councillor Andrew Pritchard on behalf of the Labour Group This council notes · Since 2015 the Environment Agency has served notice of its intention to cease operation of five satellite pumping stations in the Alt Crossens Catchment area, which serve West Lancashire. · The successful campaign to save our flood pumps in 2016 which led to their continuation beyond their previous notice periods. · The EA’s recent intent to cease operating the pumping stations on 31 March 2021, with no alternative proposed for their future operation, and their subsequent u-turn and further two year extension. · The quarter of a billion pound agricultural industry in West Lancashire which supports jobs across the whole borough including farming, processing, packaging, logistics, wholesale and retail. · The commitment by partners including this council, parish council, the National Farmers Union and the Environment Agency to develop a long-term, sustainable solution to operation of the pumping stations. · The delay to the Environment Bill 2020 which is required in order to allow for the formation of new Internal Drainage Boards (IDB) or Water Level Management Boards (WLMB) in England.
This council believes · Farming of Grade 1 agricultural land in West Lancashire is essential to continued food supply locally and nationally. · Discontinuation of the pumping stations’ operations will lead to increased flooding across West Lancashire particularly affecting rural homes, farms, businesses and infrastructure including roads and transport.
This council resolves · That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Portfolio Holder for Planning write to Lancashire County Council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, to ask o what considerations and modelling they have undertaken to identify the risks posed by the discontinuation of the pumping stations’ operation, and what impact assessment has been drawn up o what action they have taken or to intend to take, in their role as the LLFA as per their requirement under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, in developing the local flood risk management strategy, with particular respect to the pumping stations’ discontinuation
· That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Portfolio Holder for Planning write to the Environment Agency, to ask what considerations and modelling they have undertaken to identify the risks posed by the discontinuation of the pumping stations’ operation, and what impact assessment has been drawn up
· That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/ Portfolio Holder for Planning write to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to ask o that additional funding be provided to continue the operation of the pumping stations until such point as a long-term, sustainable solution for the future operation of the pumping stations is agreed and implemented, which could be some years away o that DEFRA assign a dedicated civil servant to facilitate the creation of an IDB/WLMB as appropriate, and begin work with partners immediately, in advance of the pumping stations’ operation ceasing, with knowledge of the expected financial commitment from each partner critical to ensuring progress can be made
· That relevant officers and the Portfolio Holder for Planning undertake work to assess West Lancashire’s position in relation to the pumping station and consider work through the Flooding and ... view the full agenda text for item 84. Minutes: The following Motion was moved and seconded, with the agreement of the meeting:
"This Council notes · Since 2015 the Environment Agency has served notice of its intention to cease operation of five satellite pumping stations in the Alt Crossens Catchment area, which serve West Lancashire. · The successful campaign to save our flood pumps in 2016 which led to their continuation beyond their previous notice periods. · The EA’s recent intent to cease operating the pumping stations on 31 March 2021, with no alternative proposed for their future operation, and their subsequent u-turn and further two year extension. · The quarter of a billion pound agricultural industry in West Lancashire which supports jobs across the whole borough including farming, processing, packaging, logistics, wholesale and retail. · The commitment by partners including this council, parish council, the National Farmers Union and the Environment Agency to develop a long-term, sustainable solution to operation of the pumping stations. · The delay to the Environment Bill 2020 which is required in order to allow for the formation of new Internal Drainage Boards (IDB) or Water Level Management Boards (WLMB) in England.
This Council believes: · Farming of Grade 1 agricultural land in West Lancashire is essential to continued food supply locally and nationally. · Discontinuation of the pumping stations’ operations will lead to increased flooding across West Lancashire particularly affecting rural homes, farms, businesses and infrastructure including roads and transport".
This Council resolves
· That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Portfolio Holder for Planning write to Lancashire County Council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, to ask
o what considerations and modelling they have undertaken to identify the risks posed by the discontinuation of the pumping stations’ operation, and what impact assessment has been drawn up
o what action they have taken or to intend to take, in their role as the LLFA as per their requirement under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, in developing the local flood risk management strategy, with particular respect to the pumping stations’ discontinuation
· That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Portfolio Holder for Planning write to the Environment Agency, to ask what considerations and modelling they have undertaken to identify the risks posed by the discontinuation of the pumping stations’ operation, and what impact assessment has been drawn up
· That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/ Portfolio Holder for Planning write to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to ask
o that additional funding be provided to continue the operation of the pumping stations until such point as a long-term, sustainable solution for the future operation of the pumping stations is agreed and implemented, which could be some years away
o that DEFRA assign a dedicated civil servant to facilitate the creation of an IDB/WLMB as appropriate, and begin work with partners immediately, in advance of the pumping stations’ operation ceasing, with knowledge of the expected financial commitment from each partner critical to ensuring progress can be made
· That relevant officers and the Portfolio Holder for Planning undertake work to assess West Lancashire’s ... view the full minutes text for item 84. |
Local NHS services - 'Shaping Care Together' - Motion from Councillor Vickie Cummins on behalf of the Labour Group This council notes The launch of the ‘Shaping Care Together’ listening exercise by West Lancashire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust and Southport and Formby CCG. The consultation seeks to gather views and experiences of the public and local stakeholders about local health and care services, as part of the organisations’ aims to make sure that health and care services are accessible, effective and operated by skilled staff to meet everyone’s needs. Views are being sought on what currently works well at Southport and Ormskirk hospitals as well as in primary and community healthcare services and in particular, what steps should be taken to improve the following: ? frail and elderly care ? when you have an urgent or emergency care need ? services for children including those who have complex needs ? services for women who are pregnant and for the new-born ? gynaecology - dealing with women’s reproductive system ? sexual health service for all genders ? planned care, such as follow-up outpatient and/or subsequent admissions as part of ongoing treatment.
This council believes · That provision of health and care services are best placed locally and serve the residents and community of West Lancashire. · That Ormskirk Hospital should be considered as the primary location for the provision of Adult Accident and Emergency (A&E) to the residents of West Lancashire. · That the current arrangement of adult A&E serving residents across West Lancashire including Skelmersdale and Upholland at Southport hospital is unsuitable and unsustainable for such a large population and geographic spread.
This council resolves · That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Portfolio Holder for Health & Wellbeing formally contribute to this consultation on behalf of West Lancashire Borough Council outlining our beliefs and calling for the return of adult A&E provision to Ormskirk Hospital. · That this council continues to promote the consultation engagement to all our residents and providing them with the opportunity to join us in supporting these calls for the return of adult A&E to Ormskirk Hospital. · That the Shaping Care Together team be called to present to councillors through a dedicated meeting or through Overview and Scrutiny on their consultation.
Minutes: The following Motion was moved and seconded:
"This Council notes: The launch of the ‘Shaping Care Together’ listening exercise by West Lancashire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust and Southport and Formby CCG. The consultation seeks to gather views and experiences of the public and local stakeholders about local health and care services, as part of the organisations’ aims to make sure that health and care services are accessible, effective and operated by skilled staff to meet everyone’s needs. Views are being sought on what currently works well at Southport and Ormskirk hospitals as well as in primary and community healthcare services and in particular, what steps should be taken to improve the following: ? frail and elderly care ? when you have an urgent or emergency care need ? services for children including those who have complex needs ? services for women who are pregnant and for the new-born ? gynaecology - dealing with women’s reproductive system ? sexual health service for all genders ? planned care, such as follow-up outpatient and/or subsequent admissions as part of ongoing treatment.
This Council believes:
· That provision of health and care services are best placed locally and serve the residents and community of West Lancashire. · That Ormskirk Hospital should be considered as the primary location for the provision of Adult Accident and Emergency (A&E) to the residents of West Lancashire. · That the current arrangement of adult A&E serving residents across West Lancashire including Skelmersdale and Upholland at Southport hospital is unsuitable and unsustainable for such a large population and geographic spread.
This Council resolves:
· That the Chief Operating Officer/Leader/Portfolio Holder for Health & Wellbeing formally contribute to this consultation on behalf of West Lancashire Borough Council outlining our beliefs and calling for the return of adult A&E provision to Ormskirk Hospital.
§ That this Council continues to promote the consultation engagement to all our residents and providing them with the opportunity to join us in supporting these calls for the return of adult A&E to Ormskirk Hospital.
§ That the Shaping Care Together team be called to present to councillors through a dedicated meeting or through Overview and Scrutiny on their consultation. "
RESOLVED: A. That this Council notes: The launch of the ‘Shaping Care Together’ listening exercise by West Lancashire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust and Southport and Formby CCG. The consultation seeks to gather views and experiences of the public and local stakeholders about local health and care services, as part of the organisations’ aims to make sure that health and care services are accessible, effective and operated by skilled staff to meet everyone’s needs. Views are being sought on what currently works well at Southport and Ormskirk hospitals as well as in primary and community healthcare services and in particular, what steps should be taken to improve the following: ? frail and elderly care ? when you have an urgent or emergency care need ? services for children including those who have complex needs ? services for ... view the full minutes text for item 85. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC It is recommended that members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) of business in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (Financial/Business Affairs) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and as, in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption under Schedule 12A outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes:
RESOLVED: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of that Act and as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption under Schedule 12A outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
PURCHASE OF LAND AT FAIRLIE, SKELMERSDALE To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Place and Community as contained on pages 781 to 792 of the Book of Reports the purpose of which was to seek authority to purchase land at Fairlie, Skelmersdale.
RESOLVED: The acquisition of the land at Fairlie, Skelmersdale for £350,000, hatched on Appendix A to the report, on behalf of the Housing Revenue Account be agreed and authority be given to the Corporate Director of Place and Community to enter into all necessary arrangements with regard to the proposed purchase from Lancashire County Council. |
DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BUSINESS PLAN To consider the report of the Chief Operating Officer. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Operating Officer as contained on pages 793 to 822 of the Book of Reports, the purpose of which was to seek approval for the latest business plan of Tawd Valley Developments Limited (TVDL), which is the Council's wholly owned Development Company.
A Motion to approve the recommendations at 2.1 to 2.3, was moved and seconded.
An Amendment to the Motion, as displayed on the screen and included in the Book of Reports, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken on the Amendment, which was LOST.
A Further Amendment to the Motion, as displayed on the screen, circulated prior to the meeting and included in the Book of Reports was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken on the Further Amendment, which was LOST.
A vote was taken on the Motion, which was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A That the TVDL business plan for the next 5 years be approved.
B. That the appraisal criteria for affordable homes schemes set out in paragraph 4.7 of the report be approved.
C. That the financial implications for the Council arising from the TVDL business plan, as set out in section 5 of the report, be approved.