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Contact: Jacky Denning
No. | Item |
PRAYERS Minutes: The Mayor expressed the Council's sadness at the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip and advised that flags had been lowered to half-mast across the borough. He further advised that he would be attending a memorial service at Ormskirk Parish Church on behalf of the Council.
Other Members paid tribute to the Prince.
The Mayor’s Chaplain for the evening, Father Kenny Hyde, led Members and officers in prayer.
A minute's silence was held.
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Rigby and Sutton. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST If a member requires advice on Declarations of Interest, he/she is advised to contact the Legal and Democratic Services Manager in advance of the meeting. (For the assistance of members a checklist for use in considering their position on any particular item is included at the end of this agenda sheet.) Minutes: There were no declarations of interests received.
To receive as a correct record, the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday, 24 February 2021.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24 February 2021 be received as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
A. That this would be the last meeting for some members of the Council as they will not be standing in the forthcoming local elections in May and thanked Councillors John Cairns, Sam Currie, Gail Hodson and Maureen Mills for their service to the Council.
B. That this will also be the last meeting for Matt Jones, Legal & Democratic Services Manager, as he takes up a new position at St Helen's Borough Council as Head of Legal & Democratic Services and thanked Matt for his service to the Council by presenting him with a Borough Shield and wish him well in his new position. |
TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 10.2 Minutes: There were no items under this heading. |
MINUTES OF COMMITTEES To receive the minutes of the following meetings, to confirm, if appropriate, such of the minutes as require confirmation and to pass such resolutions as the Council may deem necessary: Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the undermentioned meetings of the Committees shown.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning Committee held on Thursday, 18 March 2021 and any recommendations contained in them, be approved. |
HEALTH AND SAFETY STRATEGIC PLAN 2020/23 - ANNUAL UPDATE To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community, as contained on pages 899 to 910 of the Book of Reports, which provided an update on the progress made in relation to the 2020/23 Health and Safety Strategic Plan.
RESOLVED: That the progress against the Health and Safety Strategic Plan 2020/23 be noted. |
OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY FUNCTION REVIEW To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation & Resources. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation & Resources, as contained on pages 911 to 954 of the Book of Reports, which set out the recommendations of the Member Development Commission following a review of the Overview & Scrutiny function at West Lancashire.
A Motion, circulated prior to the meeting, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken the Motion was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A. That it be noted, that an in-house 'Overview & Scrutiny at West Lancashire' training session will be held each year following a local election with a further session on 'Best Practice Scrutiny' being arranged with an external trainer in the year that there are no local elections, as detailed in paragraph 6 of the report.
B. That it be noted, that Council at its meeting held on 24 February 2021, approved the timetable of meetings for 2021/22, to allow for Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee to be held prior to Cabinet, to accommodate pre-scrutiny, with a Special 'Call In' Meeting of Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee being scheduled following Cabinet, to meet as and when required, as detailed in paragraph 7 of the report.
C. That it be noted, that Members of Overview & Scrutiny Committees will be asked to submit questions in advance of Overview & Scrutiny meetings.
D. That it be noted, that scoring of submitted in-depth scrutiny topics will be scored by a Panel consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Opposition Spokespersons of the Corporate & Environmental Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
E. That 'The Overview & Scrutiny Procedure Rules at Constitution 14' be amended to read:
"Attendance by others
(a) The leaders of the political groups on the Council shall be allowed to attend each Overview and Scrutiny Committee and to speak but not vote on any issue under consideration, with the consent of the Chairman."
F. That no change be made to Constitution 9.2: Members’ Update Procedure Rules and the form for submitting Members Update Items, attached at Appendix 2 to the report, and information items continue to be reported via the Corporate & Environmental Overview & Scrutiny Members Update, subject to G below.
G. That the terms of reference of the Member Development Commission be extended to review the number and remit of Overview & Scrutiny Committees at West Lancashire, including the Members Update procedure rules, by comparing Overview & Scrutiny structures of other similar Local Authorities, and submit recommendations to Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Corporate & Environmental Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Council, if appropriate, which should include any additional staff resource required, with an implementation date of May 2022.
MAYOR ELECT 2021/22 To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation & Resources. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation & Resources, as contained on pages 955 to 956 of the Book of Reports, which sought nominations for the positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2021/22.
No nominations were submitted. |