Venue: Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Julia Brown
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received. |
SUBSTITUTIONS (IF ANY) Minutes: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4, the Commission noted the termination of Councillors G Dowling and A Owens and the appointment of Councillors P Burnside and J Thompson for this meeting only, thereby giving effect to the wishes of the Political Groups. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 299 KB Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
NOTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 217 KB To receive as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 3 March 2022. Minutes: AGREED: That the notes of the previous meeting held on 3 March 2022 were received as a correct record. |
TERMS OF REFERENCE To consider and note the terms of reference for the Member Development Commission as follows:
(1) To update the “Member Training and Development Strategy” and act as ‘Champions’ for Member Development. (2) To continue to develop and support processes to identify member training needs and to prepare a Training Plan for each Member. (3) To ensure that all Members are given equal opportunities to attend Training courses/seminars, including IT training, in line with their responsibility as Councillor and that appropriate training records are kept. (4) To monitor the expenditure of appropriate budgets. (5) To evaluate and monitor Elected Member training and development undertaken. (6) To ensure that each Councillor takes ownership of his/her training and development, and ‘Member Development’ appears as a regular item at Group meetings. (7) To consider future development of the Member Development website. Minutes: AGREED: That the Member Development Commission Terms of Reference be noted. |
To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources. Minutes: Members considered the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing and Resources which provided feedback on the induction process provided to newly elected Members undertaken in May 2022.
The Democratic Services Officer outlined the Member Induction process and received feedback from newly elected Members that they found the induction helpful, especially the Member Induction Pack, containing useful information relevant to the role.
It was also noted that it would be beneficial to receive a list of key contacts of who to report to in the pack. It was also felt that there were a lot of standard forms for completion of employee details etc, which could possibly be more streamlined. A comment was also raised in respect of delays in receiving IT equipment and security passes.
AGREED: That the induction process for newly elected Members, be noted.
MEMBER TRAINING-SUMMARY OF EVENTS HELD MARCH 2022 TO PRESENT PDF 121 KB To note summary of events held March 2022 to present, including an appended summary of the attendance at the Code of Conduct training held July 2019 and July 2022. (Note: Code of Conduct Training was not held in 2021). Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing and Resources, which provided an update on Training and Briefings undertaken since March 2022.
The Democratic Services Officer advised that she arrange an email to all Councillors, to request that any self-registered training that Members have undertaken relevant to their role, be provided and will be updated on their individual training record.
AGREED: That the update be noted.
ANALYSIS OF WLBC TRAINING MEDIUM / STYLE PDF 31 KB To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director Transformation, Housing and Resources, which was to agree a Questionnaire / Survey to be sent to all members in respect of their preferred training medium /style of which the responses will be presented to the next meeting of the Member Development Commission.
The Democratic Services Officer outlined the report and explained that it was requested at the previous meeting of the Commission that a survey be carried out to establish Members' preference of the style of future WLBC training / briefing sessions.
In discussion the following comments were raised: · New Member Induction better held 'in person' · Helpful to have a 'recorded' option for Teams/Hybrid training/briefings · Facilitate the use of 'Survey Monkey' · Useful to acknowledge attendance numbers
AGREED: That the Questionnaire in respect of Members preferred training medium / style attached as an Appendix to the report be circulated to Members of the Commission for their comment prior to circulation to all Members for consultation. |
FEEDBACK FROM THE MEMBER DEVELOPMENT GROUP REPRESENTATIVES FROM THEIR MEMBERS To receive feedback from the Member Development Group Representatives. Minutes: During discussion the following feedback and comments were raised by Members:
· Improvement to be made in respect of attendance at training sessions – possibility of provision of extra training dates / recording to be available, if possible, for Members' convenience · Importance of training for Members substituting at meetings · IT training through Migration of MF365 · 'Dual hat' Members - cross over of training provision · Possible training provision by LCC/WLBC to assist with the functions of each Authority · Contact details of LCC be provided in order that Members can liaise with Service Areas
AGREED: That The feedback be noted. |
FUTURE TRAINING 29 September 2022 – Political Governance Arrangements (All Member Briefing on the recommendations of the Working Group)
25 October 2022 – Grant Thornton - Value for Money (Prior to A&G Committee 6.30pm)
31 January 2023 – Social Value in Procurement (Prior to A&G Committee 6.30pm) Minutes:
AGREED: That the Training/Briefings listed below be noted, subject to the possible change of date for the Political Governance Arrangements Briefing - 29 September 2022. The Democratic Services Manager will advise Members accordingly.
29 September 2022 – Political Governance Arrangements (All Member Briefing on the recommendations of the Working Group)
25 October 2022 – Grant Thornton - Value for Money (Prior to A&G Committee 6.30pm)
31 January 2023 – Social Value in Procurement (Prior to A&G Committee 6.30pm)
WORK PROGRAMME 22/23 AND DATE OF NEXT MEETING PDF 99 KB To consider the Work Programme of the Commission and to note the future meeting date, 2 March 2023 – 6.00pm Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager advised that it would be helpful to bring the 'Member Training and Development Strategy' to the next meeting of the Commission for consideration.
In discussion comments were raised in respect of:
· Political Governance Structure · Member Induction · Training for new and current Members
AGREED: A. That the Work Programme of the Commission and dates of the next meeting to be held on 2 March 2023 be noted. B. That the 'Member Training and Development Strategy' be included on the future Work Programme of the Commission for their consideration.