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Agenda item

Planning Applications


The Director of Development and Regeneration submitted a report on planning applications as contained on pages 487 to 622 of the Book of Reports and on pages 631 to 646, detailing Late Information.


RESOLVED:     A.   That the under-mentioned planning applications be granted subject to the conditions in the report:-


                              2016/0471/LBC;      2016/0625/FUL


              B.   That in respect of planning application 2016/0470/FUL relating to Fifteens at The Fox, Roby Mill, Up Holland, Skelmersdale:


1.     That the decision to grant planning permission be delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration in consultation with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee subject to the applicant entering into a Unilateral Undertaking under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure:-


The use of the four parking spaces, as shown on drawing no. 3632-103 Rev A received by the Local Planning Authority on 8th September 2016, for the two dwellings hereby approved in perpetuity.


2.     That any planning permission granted by the Director of Development and Regeneration pursuant to recommendation 1. above be subject to the conditions as set down on pages 495 to 496 of the Book of Reports.


                        C.   That planning application 2016/0675/FUL relating to 192 – 198 Ennerdale, Tanhouse, Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 6AN:


1.     That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


(i)              The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

(ii)             The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with details shown on the following plans:

·       Plan reference ‘Block plan and site plan’ received by the Local Planning Authority on 15.06.16.

·       Plan reference ‘Proposed floor plans and elevations’ received by the Local Planning Authority on 15.06.16.

(iii)            Details of the colour and texture of the external facing materials and a timetable for the external works to be carried out, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter development shall take place in accordance with the approved details.


2.     That ‘reason 3’ detailed in the report be removed and ‘reason 4’ detailed in the report be renumbered ‘reason 3’.


                        D.  That planning application 2015/1055/FUL relating to Land to the West, Cabin Lane, Great Altcar be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee, in light of the large amount of information submitted by the applicant and consultees prior to the commencement of the meeting, in order to give Members sufficient time to assimilate all the information provided.


E.   That in respect of planning application 2016/0381/OUT relating to the Garages to the east of Arnian Court, Molyneux Road, Aughton:-


1.     That the decision to grant planning permission be delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration in consultation with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee subject to a planning obligation under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being entered into to secure the:


Terms and conditions of the affordable housing units.


2.     That any planning permission granted by the Director of Development and Regeneration pursuant to recommendation 1. above be subject to the conditions as set out on pages 619 to 621 of the Book of Reports.



(Notes:   Councillor Pendleton declared a pecuniary interest in relation to planning application 2016/0675/FUL and left the room whilst this item was being considered.)


Supporting documents: