Agenda item

Action on Climate Emergency - Update

To receive an update on actions from the previous meeting.


The Head Ranger provided the Committee with an update on the outstanding actions arising from the Climate Emergency online Consultation and presentation from the previous meeting of the Committee.


     I.        Information regarding the Green Homes Grant has been sent to all residents who requested it, with links to the Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHIL) website for further information and an online application form.

    II.        An invite to the NW Energy Hub event in June was forwarded to all who expressed an interest. 

Another similar event has just been announced by Electricity Northwest (ENW) 'Powering our Communities' which launches a Fund to supports community and local energy groups to develop and grow.  This has also been circulated.

Early conversations are underway with NW Energy Hub regarding an application to the Rural Community Energy Fund, with possible partners Paul Cotterill and Edge Hill University.  The intention is to community fund a solar PV project on large scale building/s in Skelmersdale occupied by a high energy user to purchase the power (this could be a Council owned commercial building with a high user tenant).  The income generated could then be reinvested to fund a further project or offered back to investors, depending on the community model used.

Representatives from both NW Energy Hub and ENW have been approached and would be happy to speak at a West Lancashire community energy event, however they had no capacity over the summer (term time working).  Might now be best to await the outcome of a RCEF fund application, then we can approach with funding to get started.  

  III.        A case study of the performance of solar PV installed on Council housing has been developed and will be made available on the Council website.

  IV.        To investigate a community/group purchasing project for Solar PV is currently outstanding.

   V.        A 2nd bid has been submitted to OLEV for their consideration.  This includes 32 charge points at 16 locations, the majority of which are in communal parking areas on housing estates in Skelmersdale, to ensure those living in properties without off-street parking have access to a convenient charging network. Should the project go ahead, it would attract £374,709.01 investment, at nil cost to the council.

  VI.        Sites identified for tree planting, working with the Lancashire Woodland Connect Project include 2-3 hectares at Fairy Glenn for the Queens 'Green Canopy Scheme'; 2-3 hectares at Tawd Valley Park with the assistance of the 'Friends of Tawd Valley Park'.  Staff are working with Westend School on a Community Orchard at Whittle Drive, Ormskirk.  Suitable areas have been identified areas for hedgehog gardens at the Halsall Lane site, where the Schools will be getting involved.  Discussions have taken place in respect of the housing environmental improvement fund to plant trees, the possible suitability for these areas would be ornamental asa or fruit varieties.

VII.        The investigation into an alternative/reduced mowing regime was progressing slowly. 


Questions and comments were raised in respect of the following:


·         Sites identified for Hedgehogs – work ongoing with Ranger and Schools / contact to be made with resident that put topic forward

·         Mowing Regimes / Verges / timings of cuttings

·         Work curtailed by Covid and staff resources

·         Potential Projects on Waste; Reduce Reuse Recycle; Food waste bins

·         Commitment to ongoing Climate Strategy

·         Communication to give to residents

·         Businesses recycling – Investigate, encourage and assist

·         Changes in behaviour


RESOLVED: That the update on the actions be noted.