Committee attendance

Corporate and Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Donna West 0
Councillor John Gordon 0
Councillor Julian Antoni Finch 0
Councillor Paul Hennessy 0
Councillor Paul Hogan 0
Councillor Sarah E Lawton 0
Councillor Kerry A Lloyd 0
Councillor Thomas de Freitas 0
Councillor Paul David Hesketh 0
Councillor Katie Juckes 0
Council, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Gareth Dowling 3
Councillor Nikki Hennessy 3
Councillor Terry Aldridge 3
Councillor Donna West 3
Councillor David Westley 3
Councillor Mrs Marilyn Westley 1
Councillor David Whittington 3
Councillor Terence Devine 2
Councillor Mrs Jane Marshall 3
Councillor John Mee 1
Councillor Maureen Nixon 3
Councillor Neil Furey 3
Councillor Yvonne Gagen 3
Councillor Adrian Owens 1
Councillor Gaynar Owen 3
Councillor Edward Pope 3
Councillor Nicola Pryce-Roberts 3
Councillor Adam Yates 2
Councillor John Gordon 3
Councillor Suresh Patel 3
Councillor Vickie Cummins 3
Councillor Julian Antoni Finch 3
Councillor Mrs Joan Witter 3
Councillor Carl Coughlan 3
Councillor Ian Rigby 3
Councillor Paul Hennessy 3
Councillor John Fillis 3
Councillor Robert Bailey 3
Councillor Ian Eccles 2
Councillor Judy Abbott 1
Councillor Anne Mary Fennell 3
Councillor Darren Daniels 1
Councillor Andy Fowler 3
Councillor Patricia Burnside 3
Councillor Rob Molloy 3
Councillor Mark Anderson 3
Councillor Janet Ingman 1
Councillor Jayne Rear 1
Councillor Paul Hogan 3
Councillor Melissa S Parlour 3
Councillor Sarah E Lawton 3
Councillor Kerry A Lloyd 3
Councillor Thomas de Freitas 3
Councillor Paul David Hesketh 3
Councillor Thomas Marsh-Pritchard 0
Councillor Linda Marjorie Webster 3
Vacancy 0
Councillor Katie Juckes 3
Councillor Alexander Blundell 3
Councillor John Howard 3
Licensing & Appeals Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nikki Hennessy 2
Councillor Terry Aldridge 3
Councillor Donna West 1
Councillor Mrs Marilyn Westley 2
Councillor Terence Devine 3
Councillor Maureen Nixon 1
Councillor Neil Furey 3
Councillor John Gordon 3
Councillor Suresh Patel 1
Councillor Julian Antoni Finch 1
Councillor Mrs Joan Witter 1
Councillor Paul Hennessy 1
Councillor Ian Eccles 3
Councillor Patricia Burnside 1
Councillor Janet Ingman 1
Councillor Sarah E Lawton 3
Councillor Kerry A Lloyd 1
Councillor Thomas de Freitas 1
Councillor Paul David Hesketh 3
Councillor Thomas Marsh-Pritchard 1
Councillor Katie Juckes 2
Councillor John Howard 2
Member Development Working Group, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Nikki Hennessy 0
Councillor Mrs Jane Marshall 0
Councillor Vickie Cummins 1
Councillor Mrs Joan Witter 1
Councillor John Fillis 0
Councillor Robert Bailey 0
Councillor Paul Hogan 1
Councillor Melissa S Parlour 0
Councillor Sarah E Lawton 1
Councillor Kerry A Lloyd 0