Councillor Gareth Dowling introduced the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources, which detailed the feedback received through the Local Plan 2040 Scope, Issues and Options consultation that ended in January 2022 and sought endorsement of the publication of the two Consultation Feedback Reports, so that all interested parties can review what comments had been submitted to the Council.
In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the report and the recommendations contained therein.
RESOLVED: A. That the Consultation Feedback Report on the Local Plan 2040 Scope, Issues and Options consultation (provided at Appendix A) be noted and endorsed.
B. That the Consultation Feedback Report on the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment, 2021 (provided at Appendix B) be noted and endorsed.
C. That the next steps in the Local Plan 2040 preparation process set out at Section 4.0 of this report are noted.
D. That the importance of protecting farm land in the development of the Local Plan 2040, be noted.