Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources, as contained on pages 73 to 102 of the Book of Reports, which sought approval of the Council Vision and Priorities 2023-2028.
The minutes of the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet, including a revised Appendix A, were circulated prior to the meeting.
A Motion, circulated prior to the meeting, was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken, the Motion was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A. That having regard to the comments from Executive Overview & Scrutiny and Cabinet along with the results from the public consultation contained in the report, the “Council Vision and Priorities 2023-2028" attached in the revised Appendix A, circulated prior to the meeting, be approved and adopted.
B. That the proposed process for adopting a monitoring framework for the new Priorities, be taken through Executive Scrutiny and Cabinet in February/March 2024.
C. That the proposed interim reporting arrangements for the remaining quarter performance reporting for 2023/24 be approved.
A Member of the public attended the meeting to speak and make representations in respect of the matters contained within the request to speak form circulated prior to the meeting as follows:
"1. Create empowered, engaged creative communities
a) Build on and develop strengths within local communities - I don't see this happening. Can you give some examples please?
b) Use Councillors' existing reach and influence to provide community feedback to shape decision making - Is it possible for the council to provide a set of guidelines for Cllrs on what is expected of them and how to go about getting feedback on the issues?
c) I don't like the way residents and businesses have been separated in the Council Plan. Residents in Skelmersdale work in the businesses in Skelmersdale. So, the Council Plan should have more objectives that combine individuals with businesses.
2. Support businesses to adapt and prosper
a) Promote West Lancashire as a place to invest through the Skelmersdale Place Board & Ambassadors - Skelmersdale Business Ambassadors hasn't been meeting since 2020, before lockdown. So, how is this objective being achieved? Is the forum going to be reactivated
b) Develop a strong web presence which positively promotes West Lancashire- I've seen nothing of this.
c) Create enlivened town centres offering diverse leisure opportunities and night time economy- work on this seems to be happening with the Ormskirk Night Market. But, what is happening for Skelmersdale? I've seen nothing of a night time economy in Skelmersdale, so lots more work is needed to fulfil this objective.
3. Greener West Lancs
a) Reduce waste and improve recycling, implement a Waste strategy with a focus on sustainable solutions - but recycling targets are very low (far too low) and are still not being met. So, what remedial action is being taken to meet the objective set out in the Council Plan for this? And is there a plan to not only meet the current low targets, but also set higher targets to aim for in future?"
Councillor Molloy advised that the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources, as contained on pages 37 to 62 of the Book of Reports, sought approval of the Council Vision and Priorities 2023-2028, which underwent public consultation for 6 weeks over the summer and once approved an action plan would support delivery of those priorities. Councillor Molloy advised that the comments raised related to the Council Plan 2020-2023 which was coming to the end of its period and that quarterly performance monitoring had been undertaken by Scrutiny and Cabinet during that period.
The minute of the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee had been circualted prior to the meeting.
Councillor Molloy moved the recommendations contained at paragraph 3 of the report, which were seconded.
An Amendment, which was moved and seconded, was accepted by Councillor Molloy, which became the substantive Motion.
A vote was taken on the Substantive Motion, which was CARRIED.
In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the matters raised in the request to speak, the report before it and the recommendations contained therein, and the Amendment moved at the meeting.
A. That the Council Vision and Priorities 2023-2028 attached at Appendix A be approved to take forward to Council for adoption, subject to the following wording in bold:
· Attract investment, support businesses and direct wealth into the local economy and support co-operatives
· Attract, retain and develop an engaged, skilled and motivated workforce, including through an Employee Recognition Scheme
· Support our Armed Forces and vulnerable residents
B. That the results of the consultation set out at Appendix B be noted.
C. That the proposed process for adopting a monitoring framework for the new Priorities, to be taken through Executive Scrutiny and Cabinet in February/March 2024, be approved.
D. That the proposed interim reporting arrangements for the remaining quarter performance reporting for 2023/24 are approved.
E. That Call In is not appropriate for this item as the report was submitted to the Executive Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 14 September 2023.
(i) This item was considered prior to item 7(a) 'Council Performance Delivery Plan – Q1 2023/24'
(ii) The Leader gave an undertaking to provide a response to the member of the public in respect of the issues raised in his request to speak form.)