Issue - decisions


22/11/2023 - Q2 GRA Revenue & MTFS Update


The Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services introduced the report as contained in the Book of Reports of the supplementary agenda which provided a summary of the General Revenue Account (GRA) position for the 2023/24 financial year at quarter 2.


RESOLVED: That the 2023/2023 GRA position be noted.


22/11/2023 - Q2 GRA Revenue & MTFS Update

Councillor R Molloy introduced the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement & Commercial Services, which provided a summary of the General Revenue Account (GRA) position for the 2023/24 financial year at quarter 2.


The Minute of the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee had been circulated prior to the meeting.


In reaching the decision below, the Cabinet considered the report before it and the recommendations contained therein.


RESOLVED:   That the 2023/24 GRA position be noted and endorsed.