This register of interests was published on Thursday, 25th May, 2023, 12.31 pm.
I, Councillor Yvonne Gagen a Member of West Lancashire Borough Council give notice that I have the following Disclosable Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:
1. Please state your employment or business carried out or any Partnerships or Directorships?
Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain |
Name of Employer |
Employment |
Lancashire county council |
2. Please state details of employment or business carried out or any Partnerships or Directorships of any relevant person
Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried out for profit or gain |
Name of Employe |
None | None |
3. Sponsorship
Name of Sponsor |
None | None |
4. Contracts
Contract |
Description of beneficial interest |
None | None |
5. Contracts - relevant person
Contract |
Description of beneficial interest |
None | None |
6. Land
Description of land |
Description of beneficial interest |
13 Newbury Road
WN8 6QJ |
7. Land - relevant person
Description of land |
Description of beneficial interest |
None | None |
8. Licenses
Description of licence |
None | None |
9. Licenses - relevant person
Description of licence |
None | None |
10. Corporate Tenancies
Description of tenancy |
None | None |
11. Corporate tenancies - relevant person
Description of tenancy |
None | None |
12. Securities
Description of securities |
None | None |
13. Securities - relevant person
Description of securities |
None | None |
14. Appointments/Nominations to Outside Bodies
Description of outside bodies |
Liverpool City Region Combined |
District councils network |
Northwest employment board |
Local government association |
West Lancs District Association |
Peter Lathom's Charity |
One West Lancs |
15. Bodies directed to charitable purposes
Description of charitable Bodies |
Citizens advice bureau board |
16. Bodies exercising functions of a public nature
Description of outside bodies |
None | None |
17. Influence of public opinion or policy
Description of bodies |
None | None |
18. Other interests in land
Description of other interests in land |
None | None |
Description of any gifts or hospitality |
None | None |