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Affordable Housing Panel
Assessment Sub-Committee
Audit & Governance Committee
Budget / Council Plan Committee
Budget Cabinet Working Group
Bulky Waste Collection Task Group
Business Plan Cabinet Briefing
Business Plan Cabinet Working Group
CCTV Images Committee
Chief Officers Committee
Chief Officers Job Evaluation Committee
Community Chest Grants - Lead Member Meeting
Community Engagement Commission
Community Wealth Building Cabinet Working Group
Consideration Sub-Committee
Corporate and Environmental Overview & Scrutiny Members Update
Corporate and Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Council Minute Book
Decisions taken under Delegated Authority
Electoral Review Working Group
Employment Appeals Sub-Committee
Environmental Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Estates Regeneration Cabinet Working Group
Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Executive Overview & Scrutiny Members Updates
Extraordinary Council - 1
Extraordinary Council - 2
Flooding & Drainage Cabinet Working Group
Frontline Select Committee
Funding of Voluntary Bodies & Other Organisations Cabinet Committee
Funding of Voluntary Bodies & Other Organisations Cabinet Panel
Funding of Voluntary Bodies & Other Organisations Cabinet Working Group
Governance Committee
Gypsy and Traveller Sites Committee
Hackney Carriage And Private Hire Forum
Hall Green Cabinet Working Group
Health Service Consultation Committee
Hearings Sub-Committee
Housing Review Sub-Committee
Improvement Panel
Independent Panel
Investigation & Disciplinary Committee
Lancashire Care NHS Trust Consultation Committee (Foundation Trust Status)
Landlord Services Working Group
Legal & Democratic Services, Finance & HR Services and the Office of the Chief Operating Officer Hea
Leisure Procurement Cabinet Working Group
Licensing & Appeals Committee
Licensing & Appeals Members Updates
Licensing & Gambling Committee
Licensing & Gambling Members Update
Licensing & Gambling Members Updates
Licensing & Gambling Sub-Committee
Licensing and Gambling Sub-Committee (Non-Hearing)
Licensing Committee (2003)
Licensing Sub-Committee (B)
Licensing Sub-Committee (C)
Local Plan Cabinet Working Group
Local Plan Committee
Member Development Working Group
Migrant Workers Panel
Overview and Scrutiny Liaison Group
Parish Clerks Liaison Meeting
Parish Clerks' Liaison Meeting
Parish Council Joint Liaison Committee
Planning Committee
Planning Members Updates
Police and Crime Panel
Policy & Resources Committee
Policy & Resources Committee Members Update
Political Governance Arrangements Working Group
Polling Districts and Polling Places Review Committee
Polling Review Committee
Polling Review Task & Finish Working Group
Public Involvement at Meetings Working Group
Recruitment of Independent Members Panel
Senior Management Remuneration Committee
Skelmersdale Town Centre Borough County Liaison Group
Skelmersdale Town Centre Regeneration Plan Cabinet Working Group
Standards Committee
Strategic Asset Purchasing Committee
Street Scene Commission
Sustainable Organisation Review Project Cabinet Working Group
Task & Finish Group - Community Environmental Improvements, Including Community Orchards
Task & Finish Group - Litter Clearance In West Lancashire, Including 'Fly Tipping' And 'Grot Spots'
Task & Finish Group - Shop Front Improvements
Task and Finish Group - Ormskirk Market
Tawd Valley Developments / Estates Regeneration Working Group
Tawd Valley Developments Shareholders Committee
West Lancashire "Three Tier" Forum
West Lancashire Armed Forces Covenant Working Group
West Lancashire Leisure Partnership Cabinet Working Group
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Abbott, Councillor Judy Abbott
Aldridge, Councillor Terry Aldridge
Anderson, Councillor Mark Anderson
Bailey, Councillor Robert Bailey
Blundell, Councillor Alexander Blundell
Burnside, Councillor Patricia Burnside
Coughlan, Councillor Carl Coughlan
Cummins, Councillor Vickie Cummins
Daniels, Councillor Darren Daniels
Devine, Councillor Terence Devine
Dowling, Councillor Gareth Dowling
Eccles, Councillor Ian Eccles
Fennell, Councillor Anne Mary Fennell
Fillis, Councillor John Fillis
Finch, Councillor Julian Antoni Finch
Fowler, Councillor Andy Fowler
Freitas, Councillor Thomas de Freitas
Furey, Councillor Neil Furey
Gagen, Councillor Yvonne Gagen
Gordon, Councillor John Gordon
Hennessy, Councillor Nikki Hennessy
Hennessy, Councillor Paul Hennessy
Hesketh, Councillor Paul David Hesketh
Hogan, Councillor Paul Hogan
Howard, Councillor John Howard
Ingman, Councillor Janet Ingman
Juckes, Councillor Katie Juckes
Lawton, Councillor Sarah E Lawton
Lloyd, Councillor Kerry A Lloyd
Marsh-Pritchard, Councillor Thomas Marsh-Pritchard
Marshall, Councillor Mrs Jane Marshall
Mee, Councillor John Mee
Molloy, Councillor Rob Molloy
Nixon, Councillor Maureen Nixon
Owen, Councillor Gaynar Owen
Owens, Councillor Adrian Owens
O`Neill, Councillor Paul Richard O'Neill
Parlour, Councillor Melissa S Parlour
Patel, Councillor Suresh Patel
Pope, Councillor Edward Pope
Pryce-Roberts, Councillor Nicola Pryce-Roberts
Rear, Councillor Jayne Rear
Rigby, Councillor Ian Rigby
Vacancy, Vacancy
Webster, Councillor Linda Marjorie Webster
West, Councillor Donna West
Westley, Councillor David Westley
Westley, Councillor Mrs Marilyn Westley
Whittington, Councillor David Whittington
Witter, Councillor Mrs Joan Witter
Yates, Councillor Adam Yates
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period