Meeting documents

Tuesday, 17th September, 2013 7.30 pm

   0004086_Public Agenda Pack 
   0004087_Exempt Agenda Pack
2  SPECIAL URGENCY (RULE 16 ACCESS TO INFORMATION PROCEDURE RULES)URGENT BUSINESS - If by virtue of the date by which a decision must be taken it has not been possible to follow Rule 15 (i.e. a matter which is likely to be the subject of a key decision has not been included on the Key Decision Forward Plan) then the decision may still be taken if (a) it is impracticable to defer; (b) the Managing Director (People and Places) has informed the Chairman of the Executive Overview and Scrutiny Committee in writing by notice; (c) the Managing Director (People and Places) has made copies of that notice available to the public; and (d) at least five clear days have elapsed since (b) and (c) then the decision can only be taken if the Leader obtains the agreement of the Chairman of the Executive Overview and Scrutiny Committee that the taking of the decision cannot be reasonably deferred.
3  Supporting Paper - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - If a member requires advice on Declarations of Interest heshe is advised to contact the Borough Solicitor in advance of the meeting. (For the assistance of members a checklist for use in considering their position on any particular item is included at the end of this agenda sheet.) 
4  MINUTES - To receive the minutes of Cabinet held on 18 June 2013
  (a)Report - Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Report - Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
  (b)Report - Council Housing Lease Arrangements - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors Mrs V Hopley & Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Council Housing Lease Arrangements - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors Mrs V Hopley & Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Council Housing Lease Arrangements - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors Mrs V Hopley & Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Council Housing Lease Arrangements - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors Mrs V Hopley & Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Council Housing Lease Arrangements - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors Mrs V Hopley & Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Council Housing Lease Arrangements - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors Mrs V Hopley & Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Council Housing Lease Arrangements - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors Mrs V Hopley & Councillor A Owens) 
  (c)Report - Benefit Fraud Sanctions and Prosecutions Policy - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor I Grant) 
  (d)Report - Use of Section 106 monies in Tarleton - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Sudworth) 
  (e)Report - Abbey Lane Playing Fields - Transfer to Community Sports Club - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Sudworth) 
  (f)Report - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
   Appendix - Strategic Asset Management Project - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens) 
  (g)Report - Sustainable Energy Strategy - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Sustainable Energy Strategy - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Sustainable Energy Strategy - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
  (h)Report - Sefton Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Sefton Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
   Appendix - Sefton Local Plan - Preferred Options Consultation - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
  (i)Report - Quarterly performance indicators (Q1 201314) - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Westley) 
   Appendix - Quarterly performance indicators (Q1 201314) - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Westley) 
   Appendix - Quarterly performance indicators (Q1 201314) - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Westley) 
   Appendix - Quarterly performance indicators (Q1 201314) - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Westley) 
  (j)Report - Licensing Act 2003 - Early Morning Restriction Order - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Sudworth) 
   Appendix - Licensing Act 2003 - Early Morning Restriction Order - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Sudworth) 
  (k)Report - Risk Management - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Westley) 
   Appendix - Risk Management - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor D Westley) 
  (l)Report - Revenue Budget Position - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
   Appendix - Revenue Budget Position - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
  (m)Report - Capital Programme Outturn 201213 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
   Appendix - Capital Programme Outturn 201213 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
   Appendix - Capital Programme Outturn 201213 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
   Appendix - Capital Programme Outturn 201213 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
   Appendix - Capital Programme Outturn 201213 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
  (n)Report - Capital Programme Monitoring 201314 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
   Appendix - Capital Programme Monitoring 201314 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
   Appendix - Capital Programme Monitoring 201314 - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley and A Owens) 
  (o)Report - Parking Enforcement - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor M Forshaw) 
6  EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC - It is recommended that members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 2 (individual) & 3 (financialbusiness affairs) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and as in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption under Schedule 12A outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. (Note No representations have been received to date in this respect. A further update will be given at the meeting) P A R T 2 (Not open to the Public)
7 (a)Report - Organisational Re-engineering - Planning Services Management Report - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley & M Forshaw)
   Appendix - Organisational Re-engineering - Planning Services Management Report - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley & M Forshaw)
   Appendix - Organisational Re-engineering - Planning Services Management Report - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley & M Forshaw)
   Appendix - Organisational Re-engineering - Planning Services Management Report - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley & M Forshaw)
   Appendix - Organisational Re-engineering - Planning Services Management Report - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley & M Forshaw)
   Appendix - Organisational Re-engineering - Planning Services Management Report - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley & M Forshaw)
   Appendix - Organisational Re-engineering - Planning Services Management Report - (Relevant Portfolio Holders Councillors D Westley & M Forshaw)
  (b)Report - Skelmersdale Town Centre Regeneration - Progress Update - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens)
   Appendix - Skelmersdale Town Centre Regeneration - Progress Update - (Relevant Portfolio Holder Councillor A Owens)