Meeting documents

Standards Committee
Tuesday, 22nd April, 2008 4.30 pm

   0001049_Public Agenda Pack 
2  URGENT BUSINESS IF ANY INTRODUCED BY THE CHAIRMAN - Note No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances which shall be specified at the meeting the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency.
3  Supporting Paper - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - If a member requires advice on Declarations of Interest heshe is advised to contact the Council Secretary and Solicitor in advance of the meeting. 
4  Minutes of Meeting of Standards Committee held on Wednesday 13 February 2008 - MINUTES - To receive as a correct record the minutes of the Standards Committee held on 13 February 2008. 
5  Report - PLANNING CODE OF GOOD PRACTICE - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
   Appendix - PLANNING CODE OF GOOD PRACTICE - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
   Appendix - PLANNING CODE OF GOOD PRACTICE - To consider the report of the Council Secretary and Solicitor. 
6  LANCASHIRE STANDARDS CONFERENCE - 31 MARCH 2008 - To receive feedback on the Conference.
7  Report - LOCAL FILTER - To receive an update on the current position. 
8  REVISED TERMS OF REFERENCE AND ADDITIONAL PARISH REPRESENTATIVE - To note that these matters will be dealt with at Annual Council on Wednesday 21 May 2008.
9  REFERRAL CRITERIA - To receive an update.
10  Report - STANDARDS COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME 200809 - To agree the Committee's Work Programme for 200809.