Decision details

Leisure Facilities

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing & Resources, as contained on pages 481 to 488 of the Book of Reports, which provide an update on a range of matters concerning the future operation of the Council's Leisure facilities and plans for their renovation and replacement.


A Motion to move the recommendations in the report at paragraph 2, was moved and seconded.


An Amendment, circulated prior to the meeting, was moved and seconded in the following terms:


"2.1    That the progress being made on the Burscough Sports and Leisure Hub renovation project be noted and endorsed.


2.2     That no further resources be committed in regard to future management options until the viability of the capital replacement programme is assessed."


A vote was taken on the Amendment, which at the request of a Member, was recorded as follows:


FOR:            Councillors: Bailey, Blundell, Daniels, de Freitas, Gordon, Hesketh, Howard, Juckes, Mrs Marshall, Rigby, Webster,

D Westley, Mrs Westley, Whittington and Witter (FIFTEEN)


AGAINST:    Councillors: Aldridge, Anderson, Burnside, Coughlan, Cummins, Dowling, Fennell, Fillis, Finch, Fowler, Furey, Gagen, N Hennessy, P Hennessy, Hogan, Lawson, Lloyd, Molloy, Nixon, G Owen, Parlour, Patel, Pryce-Roberts, West and Yates (TWENTY FIVE)


The Amendment was LOST.


A vote was taken on the Motion.


The Motion was CARRIED.




A.    That the progress being made on the Burscough Sports and Leisure Hub renovation project be noted and endorsed.


B.    That the proposed approach for reviewing the options for operating the Leisure facilities be noted and endorsed.


Report author: Chris Twomey

Publication date: 05/04/2024

Date of decision: 28/02/2024

Decided at meeting: 28/02/2024 - Council

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