Decision details

General Data Protection Regulations

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


(To inform Cabinet of upcoming regulations and seek support for necessary actions to achieve compliance)



The Leader introduced the report of the Borough Solicitor which advised on the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and sought approval for necessary actions and resources to ensure compliance with the requirements.


In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the details as set out in the report before it and accepted the reasons contained therein.


RESOLVED  (A)    That the report be noted.


                        (B)    That the necessary actions being taken to achieve compliance with GDPR and continuing to ensure the Council maintains high standards in the processing of personal data be supported.


                        (C )   That a budget of £15,000 be provided to support compliance with GDPR from underspends in the current year (up to 31 March 2018) to meet the resource requirements set out at paragraph 6 of the report and it be recommended that Council give further consideration to the additional resources for 2018/19 and beyond through the budget setting process.


                        (D)    That the Borough Solicitor be authorised to designate a            Data Protection Officer.


                        (E)    That call-in is not appropriate for this item as this matter is one where urgent action is required as early progress needs to be made to ensure services are prepared for the impending deadline for implementation of GDPR notwithstanding delays in issue of legislation and guidance.


Publication date: 17/01/2018

Date of decision: 09/01/2018

Decided at meeting: 09/01/2018 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: