Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/02/2020 - Council (Item 81)

81 BUDGET REQUIREMENT 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 159 KB

To consider the report of Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial  Property.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Property, as contained on pages 1155 to 1181 of the Book of Reports, which set out information in order for the Council to set its budget for the next financial year, including the General Revenue Account (GRA), Reserves Policy and the Draft GRA Estimates.


Councillor Yates, Portfolio Holder for Transformation & Resources, moved a Motion that provided details of the Labour Budget Proposals (as circulated at the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports), which was seconded.


Councillor Whittington, Shadow Portfolio Holder for Resources & Transformation, moved an Amendment (as circulated at the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports), which was seconded.


The meeting was adjourned whilst Members considered the Labour Budget Proposals and the Amendment from the Conservative Group.


The meeting was resumed and in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5, voting on the Amendment was recorded as follows:


FOR:                     Councillors Ashcroft, Mrs Baybut, Mrs Blake, Blundell, Currie, Mrs C Evans, Gordon, Mrs J Marshall, Mee, O'Toole, Pope, Mrs  Stephenson, Sutton, D Westley, Mrs M Westley, Whittington and  Mrs Witter (SEVENTEEN)


AGAINST:             Councillors Aldridge, Cooper, Coughlan, Cummins, Delaney, Dereli, Devine, Dowling, D Evans, S Evans, Finch, Furey, Gagen, Gregson, Lockie, Mills, Monaghan, Moran, Nixon, O'Neill, Owen, Pritchard, Pryce-Roberts, West, J Wilkie, K Wilkie, Wright and Yates. (TWENTY EIGHT)


ABSTENTIONS:    Davis, Johnson, Mitchell, Owens, Rigby and Thompson (SIX)


The Amendment was LOST.


An Amended Labour Motion was circulated, which was accepted by the Mover and Seconder of the Motion as an alteration, with the consent of the meeting.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5, voting on the Altered Motion was recorded as follows:


FOR:                     Councillors Aldridge, Cooper, Coughlan, Cummins, Delaney, Dereli, Devine, Dowling, D Evans, S Evans, Finch, Furey, Gagen, Gregson, Lockie, Mills, Monaghan, Moran, Nixon, O'Neill, Owen, Pritchard, Pryce-Roberts, West, J Wilkie, K Wilkie, Wright and Yates. (TWENTY EIGHT)


AGAINST:             Councillors Ashcroft, Mrs Baybut, Mrs Blake, Blundell, Currie, Mrs C Evans, Gordon, Mrs J Marshall, Mee, O'Toole, Pope, Mrs  Stephenson, Sutton, D Westley, Mrs M Westley, Whittington and  Mrs Witter (SEVENTEEN)


ABSTENTIONS:    Davis, Johnson, Mitchell, Owens, Rigby and Thompson (SIX)


The Altered Motion was CARRIED.


Resolved:  A     That the General Revenue Account Estimates for 2020/21 set out in Appendix B of the Council report be approved, subject to the changes set out in the Amended Labour Budget Proposals circulated at the meeting and contained in the Book of Reports.


B      That the GRA Reserves Policy set out in Appendix A to the Council report be approved.


C.    That delegated authority be given to the Chief Operating Officer and the Corporate Directors to take all necessary action to implement the changes resulting from the budget proposals.


D.    That delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders to implement the new Business Rate Reliefs announced by Government in January 2020.