90 Revised Commercial Property Strategy PDF 153 KB
To consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement & Commercial Services, as contained on pages 783 to 806 of the Book of Reports, which set out a review and update of the Commercial Property Strategy.
A Motion, circulated prior to the meeting was moved and seconded.
An Amendment to the Motion, circulated prior to the meeting was moved and seconded.
A vote was taken on the Amendment, which was LOST.
A vote was taken on the Motion, which was CARRIED.
RESOLVED: A. That the revised Commercial Property Strategy, set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.
B. That the terms of reference for the Strategic Assets Purchasing Committee be amended, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.
70 Revised Commercial Property Strategy (WITHDRAWN) PDF 152 KB
To consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services.
Additional documents:
This item had been withdrawn from the Agenda.
3 Terms of Reference PDF 139 KB
Members to consider the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Head of Finance, Procurement & Commercial Services, as contained on pages 1 to 4 of the Book of Reports, which set out details of proposed changes to the terms of reference for the Committee.
RESOLVED: That the proposed changes to the terms of reference as follows, be reported to the Council meeting on 15th December 2021 for approval:
1. To scrutinise all commercial property and strategic asset investment decisions and to agree comments on the proposals for consideration by the decision maker
2. To approve investment decisions of up to £5m, which are within the approved capital budget and the Commercial Property Strategy, where the timescales for making a decision would not allow for Council consideration.
Full delegated powers, duties and functions of the Council as set out above, including the ability to instruct the Corporate Director to purchase assets as detailed above.
(Note this item was moved to after Declarations of Interest by the Chairman)