Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/02/2022 - Council (Item 116)

116 APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Operating Officer.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Operating Officer, which considered the allocation of seats on Committees to the political groups for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2021/22.


A Motion to move the changes identified in the Appendix circulated prior to the meeting, was moved and seconded.


An Amendment to the Motion, circulated prior to the meeting, was moved and seconded.


A vote was taken on the Amendment, which was CARRIED.


A vote was taken on the Substantive Motion, which was CARRIED.


RESOLVED:   A.      That, for the period ending with the next Annual Meeting of the Council, or such lesser period should the political balance or allocation to political groups change during the year requiring a review under the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the allocation of seats to the political groups on Committees be as detailed in the Appendix to the report, as amended.


B.      That the representatives of the political groups on the Committees shall be as indicated on the Appendix to the report, as amended.