Beacon Golf Course and Park
To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community.
(Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor C Coughlan)
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community, as contained on pages 509 to 606 of the Book of Reports, which considered a report from external consultants in relation to the future of Beacon Golf Course and set out options and cost implications in respect of the future operation of the golf course and associated buildings.
Members were advised that a revised Appendix 5 had been circulated with the agenda pack, following the meeting of Cabinet.
RESOLVED: A. That the Consultant's Report, set out in Appendix 1, and the Options set out in Section (7) of the Report, be noted.
B. That Option F set out in paragraph 7.1.6.– Close the Golf Course and retain the catering and toilet facilities be approved. The Golf Club to be closed no later than 1st April 2023.
C. That the Corporate Director of Place and Community be given delegated authority to undertake an options appraisal in accordance with Section 7.2 of the report to consider the future of the other facilities on site. Future work associated with this work beyond April 2023 to be funded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
D. That it be noted that the findings of the Options Appraisal shall be reported to a future meeting of the Leisure Procurement Committee, Cabinet and full Council.
E. That SERCO catering staff be transferred to short term employment status within the Council, to be continued until such time as the future of the café is determined.
Beacon Golf Course and Park
To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community.
(Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor C Coughlan)
Additional documents:
Councillor Coughlan introduced the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community, which provided a report from external consultants in relation to the future of Beacon Golf Course and set out options and cost implications in respect of the future operation of the golf course and associated buildings. Consideration was also given to the additional information circulated with the report in respect of Option F and the minute and recommendation of the Leisure Procurement Committee.
In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the report before it, the additional information in respect of Option F and the minute and recommendation of the Leisure Procurement Committee.
RESOLVED: That the recommendations to Council set out at paragraph 4 of the report be approved.