Issue - meetings

Delegated Authority - Spending Under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Meeting: 07/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 85)

85 Delegated Authority - Spending Under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund pdf icon PDF 272 KB

To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community

(Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor Adam Yates)

Additional documents:


Councillor Yates introduced the report of the Corporate Director of Place & Community, which detailed the governance system for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and sought approval to spend on key items prior to the primary governance meeting.


The Minute of the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee was circulated prior to the meeting.


In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the minute of the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee, the report before it and the recommendations contained therein.


RESOLVED:   A.     That the Programme Team tender and contract for two Feasibility Studies to the total amount of £50,000 be approved.


B.     That the Programme Team tender and contract for professional support to the amount of £8,000, as highlighted on the governance structure, be approved.


C.     That the Programme team advertise and recruit a Programme Manager within the remit of the 4% administrative allowance of the Fund.


D.     That the governance structure, as submitted to the Department of Levelling Up, Communities and Housing be noted.


E.     That Officers work with Democratic Services to create the UKSPF Programme Board within the guidelines of WLBC governance requirements.


Meeting: 23/02/2023 - Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)

Delegated Authority - Spending Under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

(To follow)

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Wellbeing and Place as contained on pages 939 to 942, which was to highlight the governance system for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and agree spend approval for key items prior to the primary governance meeting.


The Economic Development and Regeneration Manager outlined the report and responded to comments and questions raised by Members.  The Chairman requested that progress reports be presented to future meetings of the Committee.


RESOLVED:  A.      That the report be considered and noted.


B.      That progress reports be presented to future meetings of the Committee.