Issue - meetings

Leisure Facility Procurement

Meeting: 18/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 21)

Leisure Facility and Contract Procurement

(Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor Y Gagen)

Additional documents:


Councillor Gagen introduced the report of the Director of Leisure and Environment which provided an update on the implementation of the key actions within the 2015-2025 West Lancashire Leisure Strategy and sought authority to continue with its implementation.


In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the details as set out in the report before it and accepted the reasons contained therein.


RESOLVED    A.   That the progress made on the key actions contained within the Leisure Strategy be noted.


B.   That the Director of Leisure and Environment be given delegated authority in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Human Resources to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (WLCCG) concerning the development of new health and leisure centres.


C.   That a Design Build Operate and Maintain (DBOM) approach be taken in the procurement exercise for the replacement of Nye Bevan and Park Pool and for a new leisure management contract and that the Director of Leisure and Environment, subject to Council approval of the relevant funds, be given delegated authority in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Human Resources to procure the necessary technical support.


D.   That the Director of Development and Regeneration be given delegated authority in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration to enter into Supplemental Agreements with St Modwen and Homes England in relation to the proposed site for the Skelmersdale leisure facility.


E.   That Churchfields be approved as the preferred site for a replacement for Park Pool in Ormskirk and that, subject to Council approval of the relevant funds, the Director of Leisure and Environment be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Human Resources, to produce a site masterplan and to undertake a community consultation exercise.


F.   That, subject to Council approval of the relevant funds, the Director of Leisure and Environment be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Human Resources, to commission site surveys on the proposed sites in Skelmersdale and Ormskirk and to seek pre application advice.


G.    That call-in is not appropriate in this instance, as this matter is one where urgent action is required as delays could significantly impair progress of the procurement process and potentially increase the build costs of schemes