Issue - meetings

Review of grounds maintenance and street cleansing update

Meeting: 12/12/2018 - Council (Item 72)

Review of grounds maintenance and street cleansing update

To consider the report of the Director of Leisure and Environment.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Leisure and Environment, as contained on pages 667 to 700 of the Book of Reports, which provided an update on progress with implementing the recommendations of the grounds maintenance and street cleansing review; sought agreement of  service standards and a revised structure, designed to offer greater flexibility and focus to deliver the new service.


A Motion was circulated, which was moved and seconded.


A vote was taken, the Motion was CARRIED.


RESOLVED:   A.   That the suggestion included in the minutes of the Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee at Appendix 10, be noted and the structure set out in Appendix 3 'Clean & Green Operatives' be amended to include "Burscough East" in the list above "Burscough West".


B.      That, subject to (A) above, the revised proposed service structures at Appendix 3 and 6 be noted.   

C.     That the Director of Leisure and Environment be given delegated authority in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder to take all action required for the implementation of the new structures.


Meeting: 22/11/2018 - Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 36)

Review of grounds maintenance and street cleansing update

To consider the report of the Director of Leisure and Environment.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Leisure and Environment which provided an update on the implementation of the recommendations of the grounds maintenance and street cleansing review.  It was noted that the service standards outlined in appendix 2 to the report were agreed at the Cabinet meeting held on 6 November 2018 and that the restructure would be considered by Council on 12 December 2018.


The Director of Leisure and Environment attended the meeting provided an overview, clarification on the issues raised and responded to questions, particularly in relation to:-


·         Number of teams and how many officers within each team

·         Volunteers (e.g litter picking) and the Council’s obligations

·         Staff training (new Asset management system) (new generic job roles)


It was noted that there was no reference to Burscough East in appendix 3 to the report, only to Burscough West.  It was suggested that West be removed from the structure and that reference be made to Burscough only. 


In relation to volunteer groups undertaking activities under their own volition, the Director of Leisure and Environment advised that the Council would provide appropriate advice upon request and gave an undertaking to look into the current position, particularly in relation to the provision of council equipment for this purpose.



RESOLVED              That the report be noted.



Meeting: 06/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 60)

Review of grounds maintenance and street cleansing update

(Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor K Wilkie)

Additional documents:


The Leader introduced the report of the Director of Leisure and Environment which provided an update on progress with the implementation of the recommendations of the grounds maintenance and street cleansing review and sought agreement of service standards and the establishment of a revised structure.


In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the details as set out in the report before it and accepted the reasons contained therein.


RESOLVED  A.      That progress made against each of the recommendations attached at Appendix 1 to the report be noted.


                        B.      That the service standards outlined in Appendix 2 to the report be agreed.


                        C.     That the call-in procedure is not appropriate for this item as the report is to be considered at the meeting of the Executive Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 22 November 2018.