Issue - meetings

Purchase of land in Ormskirk

Meeting: 10/04/2019 - Council (Item 111)

Purchase of land in Ormskirk

To consider the report of the Director of Development and Regeneration.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Development and Regeneration, as contained on pages 1077 to 1084 of the Book of Reports, which sought authority to purchase a site on New Court Way, Ormskirk, from Lancashire County Council.


RESOLVED:   That authority be granted to the Director of Development and Regeneration to take all necessary steps to purchase the land hatched on the plan attached at Appendix A to the report, with the cost funded through internal borrowing.


Meeting: 12/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 106)

Purchase of land in Ormskirk

(Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor I Moran)



The Leader introduced the report of the Director of Development and Regeneration which sought authority to purchase a site on New Court Way, Ormskirk, from Lancashire County Council.


In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the details as set out in the report before it and accepted the reasons contained therein.



RESOLVED              That authority is granted to the Director of Development and Regeneration to take all necessary steps to purchase the land hatched on the attached plan (Appendix A to the report) with the cost funded through internal borrowing.