To consider the joint report of the Borough Solicitor and Borough Treasurer.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the joint report of the Borough Solicitor and Borough Treasurer as contained on pages 113-127 of the Book of Reports. The purpose of the report was to provide the updated version of the Council's Whistleblowing Code.
The Borough Solicitor, presented the Whistleblowing Code report.
RESOLVED: A. That the updated Whistleblowing Code, as set out in Appendix 1, be considered and endorsed as a completed document (with the tracked changes accepted into the document).
B. That Council be recommended to approve the updated Whistleblowing Code at Appendix 1 (with the tracked changes accepted into the document).
18 Whistleblowing Code PDF 209 KB
To consider the report of the Borough Solicitor
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the joint report of the Borough Solicitor and Borough Treasurer as contained on pages 43 – 48 of the Book of Reports, updating the Council’s Whistleblowing Code attached at Appendix 1 to the report.
The Borough Solicitor advised that as there had been no changes to law and good practice, there were no significant changes to the Code, and that the report would be referred to the Audit and Governance Committee and Council for consideration.
RESOLVED A. That the updated Whistleblowing Code, as set out in Appendix 1 be endorsed, subject to the following revisions:-
- paragraph 6.1 – amend list of examples to read
‘unlawful discrimination against people with protected characteristics’
- paragraph 9 – include reference to and contact point for External Auditor.
B. That it be noted that the Whistleblowing Code will be considered further by the Audit and Governance Committee and Council.