Agenda item

Granville Park Conservation Character Appraisal Update

(Relevant Portfolio Holder:  Councillor J Hodson)


Councillor J Hodson introduced the report of the Director of Development and Regeneration which advised on the outcome of the public consultation on the revised boundary to the Granville Park Conservation Area boundary and sought approval for the update to the Granville Park Conservation Area Appraisal and associated Design Guide and to the making of a new Article 4 Direction across the whole of the Conservation Area.


A motion from Councillor J Hodson was circulated at the meeting.


In reaching the decision below, Cabinet considered the motion from Councillor J Hodson and the details as set out in the report before it and accepted the reasons contained therein.



RESOLVED      A.    That the Granville Park Conservation Area Appraisal update for Granville Park Conservation Area and the Design Guide appended to this report (Appendix A and B) be approved.


                            B.    That the Conservation Area boundary be extended to include the Cockbeck Tavern its Car Park and Bowling Green (identified as extensions A & B on the Plan in Appendix C to the report).


C.    That authority be delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning to make and publicise an Article 4 Direction for the extended Granville Park Conservation Area (identified in Appendix C to the report (including the extensions identified A & B on the Plan in Appendix C) and schedule in Appendix D to the report). 





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