Browse Forward Plans

Policy & Resources Committee, 2025

The Plan sets out and gives a minimum 28 days notice of the key decisions that the Cabinet of West Lancashire Borough Council intend to make. This Plan will also give notice when it intends to hold a meeting, or part of a meeting in private. Where it is necessary to hold a meeting in private, the reason for this will be stated alongside the decision to be made.

Key decisions are defined in the Council's Constitution as decisions that:- result in the Council incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the Council's budget for the service or function to which the decision relates; decisions, which are significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an areas comprising two or more wards of the Council; proposals by the Cabinet to amend the policy framework; amendment by the Cabinet of any aspect of the policy framework

Note – The Council has decided the limit above which items are significant is £100,000


  • There are no plans published for this period